The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic published the results of local transformation projects for 2023

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic published the results of local transformation projects for 2023

14.02.2023 / 04:07

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic announced the results of the call for proposals for local transformation projects (LTP) in 2023. None of the submitted proposals by the Embassy of the Czech Republic in New Delhi was recommended for implementation in 2023. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic assessed 59 applications from various Czech Embassies around the world and decided to support 25 projects with a total value of 9 million CZK.

Based on the call for proposals of LTPs, the Embassy of the Czech Republic in New Delhi received 33 applications from India, Bangladesh and Nepal, only 19 projects met the basic criteria. The evaluation committee of the Czech Embassy subsequently recommended 3 projects to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic for implementation. Regretfully none of the proposed projects was selected for implementation in 2023.

The Embassy of the Czech Republic in New Delhi appreciates interest and effort of all applicants who submitted their project proposals. Information about the call for proposals of local transformation projects for 2024 will be published in October 2023 on the website of the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Delhi. Applicants may consult their project plans with a diplomatic officer of the Czech Embassy at the email address:

Zařazenopá 03.02.2023 06:02:00
ZdrojMZv ČR v Dillí

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