Adler, M., Camba-Méndez, G., Dzaja, T., Manzanares, A., Metra, M. andVocalelli, G. (2022), The Valuation Haircuts Applied to eligible marketable assets for ECB credit operations”, Occasional Paper Series.
Alogoskoufis, S., Dunz, N., Emambakhsh, T., Hennig, T., Kaijser, M., Kouratzoglou, C., Munoz, M., Parisi, L. and Salleo, C. (2021), ECB economy-wide climate stress test”, Occasional Paper Series.
Bindseil, U., Gonzalez, F. and Tabakis, E. (2009), Risk Management for Central Banks and Other Public Investors”, Cambridge University Press.
Breitenstein, M., Ciummo, S. and Walch, F. (2022), Disclosure of climate change risk in credit ratings”, ECB Occasional Paper Series.
ECB Banking Supervision (2022),2022 climate risk stress test”.
ECB (2023), Climate-related financial disclosures of the Eurosystem’s corporate sector holdings for monetary policy purposes”.
NGFS (2020), Survey on monetary policy operations and climate change: key lessons for further analyses”,Technical document.
NGFS (2021), Adapting central bank operations to a hotter world: Reviewing some options”, Technical document.
This paper draws on the findings of the workstream on climate change and monetary policy implementation framework organised under the Market Operations Committee and the Risk Management Committee of the Eurosystem. The authors would like to thank staff from the ECB and the national central banks of those countries that have adopted the euro, who contributed to this workstream:
Martin Adler, Alice Algot-Same, Paola Antilici, Fernando Arranz Gonzalo, Franck Auberger, Laura Auria, Pauline Bacos, Laetitia Badouraly
Kassim, Liliana Bara de La Fuente, Julian Barazi, Maxime Barthe, Andrius Balciunas, Verena Barz, Giacomo Beltrame, Enrico Bernadini,
Julian Berner, Alexander Bock, Gianmaria Bonagura, Matteo Bonetti, Calogero Brancatelli, Julia Braun, Miriam Breitenstein, Dirk
Broeders, Beatrice Brückner, Marco Bruno, Giovanna Bua, Ines Cabral, Susana Caleiro, Carmen Camacho, Fabio Capasso, Bernadette
Chmelar, Stefania Ciummo, Olivier Clementin, Sara Dantas, Flavio De Carolis, Assunta Di Chiara, Johny Digiampaolo, Mariëlle Dreuning,
Cláudia Acúrcio Duarte, Tomislav Džaja, René Eibensteine, Elisabetta Ferrara, Andreia Ferreira, Timothée Fluteau, Marco Fruzzetti,
Giulio Gariano, Gregory Gautelier, Pierre-Yves Gauthier, Filippo Giovannelli, Viktoriya Gocheva, Alice Gonçalves, Vincent
Grossmann-Wirth, Justus Grundmann, Daniel Gybas, Benoit Hallinger, Benjamin Hartung, Olivier Haway, Barbara Hebendanz, Hans
Hecker, Rafael de Heredia, Clara Hollmann, Anna Hyrske, Roberto Imperato, Lorenzo Isgro, Katri Järvinen, Raphaël Jeudy, Ramona
Jimborean, Daniel Kapp, Iliya Karaivanov, Aliki Kartapani, Alexandros Kasmas, Pavol Keckes, Sebastian Keim, Julia Körding, Vassilios
Kotsakis, Angelika Kotúčová, Vassilios Koutras, Johannes Krämer, Leander Krammer, Piotr Kusmierczyk, Athanasios Lampousis, Chiara
Lattanzi, Nadia Laut, Kieran Leonard, Pauline Lez, Sven Lissek, Veronika Loewe, Floris van Loo, Marco Luca, Cristoph Machiels, Arturo
Macías, Alfredo Maldonado, Georgios Manthoulis, Andres Manzanares, Timo Marquardt, Catarina Marques, Marco Marrazzo, Roman
Marton, Gonzalo Camba Mendez, Arne Menzel, Christina Mertens, Matteo Metra, Anna Michelina Di Gioia, Marek Micuch, Katri Mikkonen, Gianluca Mosconi, Andreas Moser, María Nalda, Ken Nyholm, Marguerite O’Connell, Seamus O'Donnell, Federica Orsini, Gerardo
Palazzo, Rasmus Pank Roulund, Filippo Pasqualone, Elise Peron, Flora Pontecorvo, Andy Pralat, Christelle Puyo, Claudia Rabal Sabater,
Oleg Reichmann, Emilio Rodriguez Alonso, Florian Resch, Tom Rood, Seamus Ruddy, Bérengere Rudelle, Francesco Ruggiero, Angel
Ruiz, Luigi Russo, Laurence Saccani, Alessandro de Sanctis, Stephan Sauer, Nicolas Sauter, Laura Savio, Francesco Savino, Tim
Schmachtel, Miriam Schmelter-Coste, Dominik Staniewski, Bernd Strüber, Marian Sucaet, Jonathan Thebault, Rafael Torrecilla, Stefano
Tranquillo, Thomas van der Donk, Nicolaas van Uffelen, Jose Vargas Barroso, György Várhelyi, Naelle Verniest, Marie Vilain, Vesa-Ville Virtanen, Nicole Vorderobermeier, Florian Walch, Jonas Willequet,
The authors would also like to thank Christophe Beuve, Dirk Broeders, Alessandro Calza, Siobhán Devin, Vesela Ivanova, Wolfgang Lemke, Aviram Levy, Fernando Monar, Juha Niemela, Sarah Palmer, Imene Rahmouni-Rousseau, René Rollingswier, Evangelos Tabakis, Ralph Weidenfeller, and Chiara Zilioli, for their guidance and valuable discussions and comments.
The views expressed are those of the authors and all errors remain theirs alone.
This paper should not be reported as representing the views of the European Central Bank, the Eurosystem, one or more of its national central banks,
Jana Aubrechtová
European Central Bank, Frankfurt am Main, Germany; email:
Elke Heinle
European Central Bank, Frankfurt am Main, Germany; email:
Rafel Moya Porcel
European Central Bank, Frankfurt am Main, Germany; email:
Boris Osorno Torres
European Central Bank, Frankfurt am Main, Germany; email:
Anamaria Piloiu
European Central Bank, Frankfurt am Main, Germany; email:
Ricardo Queiroz
European Central Bank, Frankfurt am Main, Germany; email:
Torsti (‘Toto’) Silvonen
European Central Bank, Frankfurt am Main, Germany; email:
Lia Vaz Cruz
European Central Bank, Frankfurt am Main, Germany; email:
© European Central Bank, 2023
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This paper can be downloaded without charge from the ECB website, from the Social Science Research Network electronic libraryor from RePEc: Research Papers in Economics. Information on all of the papers published in the ECB Occasional Paper Series can be found on the ECB’s website.
PDF ISBN 978-92-899-6062-5, ISSN 1725-6534, doi:10.2866/249583, QB-AQ-23-009-EN-N
[1] See ECB (2023), Climate-related policies in the Eurosystem/ECB staff macroeconomic projections for the euro area and the macroeconomic impact of green fiscal measures.”Economic Bulletin, Issue 1.
[2] See ECB presents action plan to include climate change considerations in its monetary policy strategy,” ECB press release, 8 July 2021.
[3] See ECB takes further steps to incorporate climate change into its monetary policy operations”, ECB press release, 4 July 2022.
[4] The objectives and tasks of Eurosystem are set out in Article 127 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union [2012/C 326/01].
[5] In other words, the adoption by the Eurosystem of measures designed to circumscribe the risk of financial losses forms part of the definition and implementation of monetary policy, as also reflected in Article 18.1 of the Statute of the European System of Central Banks and the European Central Bank, pursuant to which the Eurosystem may conduct credit operations with lending being based on adequate collateral.”
[6] Outside the scope of this paper, it is worth recalling that in July 2021 the ECB also announced that the Eurosystem will expand its analytical capacity in macroeconomic modelling, statistics and monetary policy on climate change.
[7] Specifically, the objectives set out in Article 3 of the Treaty on European Union, which include the sustainable development of Europe” and a high level of protection and improvement of the quality of the environment”.
[8] Unless stated otherwise climate change (financial) risks can be attributed to transition and physical risk.
[9] For further information, see thedetailed roadmap of climate change-related actions.
[10] See the Joint ESAs-ECB Statement on disclosure on climate change for structured finance products.
[11] SeeECB takes further steps to incorporate climate change into its monetary policy operations”, (ECB press release, 4 July 2022).
[12] The ECB is leading by example in this area by committing to provide additional disclosures of its own portfolios. See ECB starts disclosing climate impact of portfolios on road to Paris-alignment”, (ECB press release, 23 March 2023).
[13] The Greenhouse Gas Protocol distinguishes between direct greenhouse gas emissions of companies from owned or controlled sources (scope 1), indirect emissions from purchased electricity, steam, heating or cooling (scope 2) and all other indirect emissions, including those occurring along the corporate value chain, either upstream or downstream (scope 3). See the Greenhouse Gas Protocolfor further information.
[14] See Climate-related data successfully procured”(Deutsche Bundesbank press release, 9 March 2022).
[15] For further information, see theJoint ESAs-ECB Statement on disclosure on climate change for structured finance products.
[16] See ECB (2023), Results of the 2022 climate risk stress test of the Eurosystem balance sheet”, Economic Bulletin, Issue 2.
[17]See Breitenstein et. Al. (2022).
[18] See Koerding and Resch, Economic Bulletin, Issue 6, ECB, 2022
[19] See more about the Eurosystem collateral frameworkhere.
[20] See Adler, et. Al. (2022).
[21] The Eurosystem currently applies limits on the mobilisation of unsecured debt instruments issued by a credit institution or by closely linked entities.
[22] With regard to sustainability-linked bonds, only debt instruments with sustainability performance targets linked to climate change and/or environmental goals/objectives are eligible as Eurosystem collateral. For further information see the FAQ on sustainability-linked bonds.
[23] This universe excludes debt instruments issued/settled in Central Securities Depositories (CSDs) located outside of the euro area and debt instruments issued in ineligible currencies (i.e. other than the euro, pound sterling, yen or US dollars).
[24] This paper simplifies and calls CSPP to both cover corporate bond holdings under APP and PEPP whereas strictly speaking CSPP entails only the APP part.
[25] In broad terms, the CSPP-eligible universe consists of investment-grade euro-denominated bonds and commercial paper issued by non-bank corporations (i.e. non-financial corporations and insurance corporations) established in the euro area and includes over €1 trillion worth of securities. The size of the CSPP vs the eligible universe varies over time, depending on the growth dynamics of each component. When the CSPP was established in 2016 its eligibility criteria were defined as broad” for it to fulfil its objectives.
[26] Specific details of the dimensions can be found in the FAQ section on the ECB website.
[27] See Question 8 of the FAQ on the ECB website
[28] For further details, see the ECB Press releaseon this topic.
[29] For further details, see the reports of climate-related financial disclosures of the Eurosystem’s corporate sector holdings for monetary policy purposes. It considers the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), the Partnership for Carbon Accounting Financials, and the Network of Central Banks and Supervisors for Greening the Financial System (NGFS), which all provide widely used and accepted standards for sustainability reporting.
[30] For an overview of the functioning of central bank asset purchases see ”The yield curve and monetary policy”, Speech by Philip R. Lane, Member of the Executive Board of the ECB, 25 November 2019.
[31] The underlying assumption is that while expectations may have played a role in terms of yield compression over the course of the programme, all effects should have materialised after the final purchase has been implemented. The choice of the review period is consistent with the approach of D’Amico and King, i.e. to use the difference in price between announcement and conclusion of a programme to measure local effects and clean for expectations of future purchases.
The use of the full period of purchases is in line with D’Amico and King (2013), Flow and stock effect of large-scale treasury purchases: Evidence on the importance of local supply”, Journal of Financial Economics, May. Analyses of the CSPP have often used shorter time frames, either because they focus on announcement effects, or because at the time of writing the programme was still in the net purchase phase. See De Santis, Geis, Juskaite and Vaz Cruz,ECB (2018),The impact of the corporate sector purchase programme on corporate bond markets and the financing of euro area non-financial corporations”, Economic bulletin, Issue 3..
[32]The stylised example used here is based on a 30% reduction in the overall emissions intensity of the CSPP portfolio. Company weights are based on an indicator which comprises backward and forward-looking emissions intensity, as well as the quality of disclosures. No intra-sector weighting is assumed, as in this case the cross-sectoral dispersion of the impact of tilting would decline.
[33] Find out more about the ECB's opinion on the development of the European Green Bond Standard in this document.
[34] See ECB Governing Council Press Conference, 9 June 2022