Speech by Commissioner Elisa Ferreira at the opening ceremony of the New European Bauhaus in Regions and Cities event

Good morning everyone.

Welcome to this event dedicated to “The New European Bauhaus in EU Regions and Cities”!

As promised, the day has come for the new edition of the Bauhaus prizes.

As we saw in the video we just saw, the New European Bauhaus is a collection of experiences, projects and milestones we are building together as a community, the latest chapter of which were the exchanges at the Venice Biennale.

Today's event is thus part of a series: where we have been working together as NEB community seeking contributions from architects, experts, grass-roots initiatives.

In three years since the start of the initiative, this enthusiasm and great energy have grown so much, that is impossible to list all the stops in the road that took us here.

The two days that we dedicate to EU regions and cities is an inseparable node in this chain of events, and actions, to change Europe and the world for the better, towards a greener, climate neutral economy that is inclusive and offering high-quality sustainable solutions for all.

Cohesion Policy is ideally placed to contribute to this common effort – because we work at the regional and local level, engaging with local authorities and communities, connecting the dots that make the New European Bauhaus a true movement – a movement of both spirit and action.

I am very pleased to welcome today ministers, mayors, members of the European Parliament, and representatives of managing authorities, practitioners implementing Cohesion Policy programmes.

All 27 EU Member States integrated the New European Bauhaus values and principles in the 2021-2027 Cohesion programming.

This lays the foundation for more Bauhaus projects on the ground, at the regional and local level, supported by Cohesion operational programmes.

I hope that by working together, leveraging from each other's experience, we can ensure more sustainable, inclusive and high-quality investments throughout Europe.

Over the past three years, we have built a solid foundation for such action.

Cohesion policy provided technical assistance to 20 small and medium municipalities to develop local NEB projects.

We will hear from them today and we hope that they will inspire others to follow and get the support of regional authorities to turn these excellent concepts into reality.

Cohesion Policy launched its first dedicated New European Bauhaus call for innovative actions under the European Urban Initiative.

I will have the pleasure to announce today the cities where a total of 65 million euro of investment will support inclusive, sustainable and high-quality urban regeneration, affordable housing, cultural heritage and circular construction.

We need this type of sizeable investment embodying the New European Bauhaus values.

And most importantly, we have today the 2023 New European Bauhaus Prizes ceremony.

Welcome to the 61 finalists! Thank you for your ideas, your innovations and your inspiration.

Welcome also to previous finalists and winners, who are here today, and continue to inspire us.

Welcome to the 14 cities that will carry out projects under the New European Bauhaus innovative actions, to the representatives of the “Hauts-de-France” region, and all those involved in the management of the European Urban Initiative.

And to the more than 70 participants from Cohesion Policy managing authorities. You are the practitioners, the implementers on the ground. The motor which drives us forwards.

Welcome to the many members of the Bauhaus community, national contact points, members of the high-level round table, and to the European Parliament, with thanks for the support to the initiative!

Finally, a special welcome to the representatives from the Western Balkans, and from Ukraine. Europe is our common home, and we are all part of the same family.

Today we meet in this great venue, which is a symbol of so much of what we want to achieve.

This building, part of a former industrial area, has been redeveloped with support from Cohesion Policy.

The “Be Here” centre reflects New European Bauhaus values. Not just in its design, but also in hosting sustainable businesses, and through its connection with the community, through cultural projects and the promotion of the social economy.

I cannot think of a better place to celebrate the work that was done over the last three years and to work together to make sure such projects will continue to grow throughout Europe and beyond.

I look forward to an excellent day of exchanges and celebration.

Thank you very much.

Zařazenočt 22.06.2023 11:06:00
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