From 1 July 2023: Longterm visa / stays applications require 2 years residence in UAE

From 1 July 2023: Longterm visa / stays applications require 2 years residence in UAE

04.07.2023 / 11:24 | Aktualizováno: 03.08.2023 / 14:36

The amendment to the Act on the Residence of Foreign Nationals in the Territory of the Czech Republic, which comes into force on 1 July 2023, effects several changes.

The main change that will affect third-country nationals applying for longterm stays/visas:

Citizens residing long-term in the countries under the consular jurisdiction of the Embassy (who at the same time are not citizens of these countries) will be able to apply for a long-term residence permit at the given Embassy only if they have resided in the given countries legally and continuously for at least two years.

An authorized stay of at least two years generally means a stay on the basis of long-term residence permits that can follow each other (i.e., for example, two consecutive residence permits valid for 1 year or four consecutive residence permits valid for six months).

More information about these and other changes are found at the website of the Ministry of Interior of the Czech Republic.

Zařazenočt 03.08.2023 14:08:00
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