Adoption of UPR outcomes of the Czech Republic at the 53rd Session of the HRC

Adoption of UPR outcomes of the Czech Republic at the 53rd Session of the HRC

07.07.2023 / 18:00 | Aktualizováno: 10.07.2023 / 14:33

In the framework of its 53rd session, on 6 July 2023, the UN Human Rights Council adopted the outcomes of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) of the Czech Republic, the review of which took place in January 2023.

During this fourth cycle of the periodic review of human rights in the country, the Czech Republic received 242 recommendations for improvement in the human rights field, 207 of which it endorsed. The adopted report includes an addendum containing the position of the Czech Republic on these recommendations.

Sixteen States and several NGOs took the floor in the debate preceding the adoption of the report, most of whom welcomed the position of the Czech Republic on the recommendations received and appreciated its constructive engagement during the throughout the UPR process, reflecting the strong commitment of the country to promote and protect human rights.

The final position of the Czech Republic was presented by Viktor Kundrák, Director of the Human Rights and Minorities Department at the Office of the Government. Eva Decroix, Chair of the Chamber of Deputies' Subcommittee on the Promotion of Democracy and Human Rights Abroad, also spoke during the meeting.

Zařazenopo 10.07.2023 14:07:00
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