Seminar on Czech and Albanian literary relations

Seminar on Czech and Albanian literary relations

21.07.2023 / 08:46 | Aktualizováno: 21.07.2023 / 09:54

Czech Embassy in Tirana in cooperation with Kadare Studio House organized another literary event with the topic: “Czech and Albanian literary relations”. This exceptional gathering welcomed distinguished guests, including Professor Přemysl Vinš a renowned translator and Albanologist from Charles University of Prague, as well as esteemed participants from various literary, cultural, and diplomatic circles in Tirana.

The Ambassador of the Czech Republic H.E. Mr. Karel Urban opened the discussions and shared his perspective on the importance of promoting cultural dialogue between Czechia and Albania. He emphasized the value of literature in fostering connections and deepening the understanding across the nations. While the co-host and Director of Kadare House Mrs. Brisilda Trajko expressed her deep appreciation for the respected position that Czech authors hold within the personal and public libraries of Albania.

During his presentation, Professor Přemysl Vinš provided insight into the significant Albanian literary and historical works that have been translated into Czech language over the centuries. He shed light on the challenges encountered in bringing Albanian literature to the Czech readership. The professor highlighted the unwavering passion displayed by these translators for the Albanian language and their meticulous dedication to capturing the intricate nuances of the original texts. By underscoring the vital role of translators, Prof. Vinš emphasized their contribution in preserving the integrity of the literary works, while also emphasizing their crucial role in facilitating cultural exchanges through the art of translation.

The event also featured a special contribution from Mrs. Belfiore Qose, a distinguished professor of literature from Albania. She explored into the works of prominent Czech authors that have been translated into Albanian, including Kafka, Kundera, Hašek, and others. Prof. Qose brought her unique insights about the influence and warm reception of Czech literature within the Albanian society, enriching the event with her knowledge and expertise.

Audience were university professors, literary experts, students and general public with passion for literature. Engaging discussions and interactive exchanges accompanied the whole event.

Czech and Albanian literary relations

Czech and Albanian literary relations

Czech and Albanian literary relations

Czech and Albanian literary relations

Czech and Albanian literary relations

Czech and Albanian literary relations

Czech and Albanian literary relations

Czech and Albanian literary relations

Zařazenopá 21.07.2023 09:07:00
ZdrojMZv ČR v Tiraně

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