Czechia tirelessly supports the Arms Trade Treaty

Czechia tirelessly supports the Arms Trade Treaty

22.08.2023 / 09:38 | Aktualizováno: 24.08.2023 / 16:33

Czech intervention during the Ninth Conference of States Parties to the Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) highlighted that transparency, universalization and implementation remain crucial for the Treaty to function well. Also, it underlined that NGOs and industry can bring in valuable expertise and insight.

Deputy Director General Lukáš Prokeš, with the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Czech Republic, in his role as the Head of Delegation delivered the Czech statement (PDF, 97 KB) . Furthermore, he stressed the need for thorough implementation and expressed the readiness to continue to share and exchange experience in export controls.

The Arms Trade Treaty aims to regulate the international trade in conventional arms, prevent the misuse of weapons and thereby contribute to international peace and security. It also contributes to levelling the competitive field in favor of exporters from countries that have functional and effective control mechanisms, such as the Czech Republic.

It was on behalf of the Management Committee that L. Prokeš presented a report on its activities and achievements (PDF, 67 KB) over the last twelve months, including budgetary and financial matters. Besides the Czech Republic, China, Costa Rica, United Kingdom, and South Africa are members of the Management Committee.

This year’s annual meeting of the States Parties took place on 21 - 25 August.

Zařazenočt 24.08.2023 16:08:00
ZdrojMZv ČR mission.geneva

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