Long-term business visa applications

Long-term business visa applications

07.08.2023 / 08:53 | Aktualizováno: 26.09.2023 / 14:27

Submitting application and interview
Application for long-term business visa must be submitted IN PERSON after a previously scheduled appointment (please, schedule your appointment only by email to visa_skopje@mzv.cz).
While submitting the application, an interview with the applicant will be conducted and the written record of the interview will be part of the application. The record will be written in Czech (!) language and must be signed by the applicant and by the Consular Officer. In case you do not speak Czech you may bring an interpreter with you.
Processing time
The long-term visa for the purpose of business shall be processed within 90-120 days from the date the Czech Embassy receives the complete (!) application.

Required documents




(!) incomplete applications will not be accepted and will be returned to the applicant
(!) all documents must be presented in Czech language (except the passport, documents not originally in the Czech language have to be officially translated by a Czech court translator/interpreter)
(!) all documents must be presented in the original or as a notarized copy AND one (simple) copy of each document (i.e. two complete sets of documents must be provided)
(!) all documents (except travel document) may not be older than 180 days


  1. visa application form (form_long-term visa (PDF, 555 KB))
    - form must be filled in completely with a blue ball point pen or on a typewriter
    - one photo must be glued into the correspondent space in the upper right corner of the first page
    - do not forget to sign at the bottom of the last page
    - do not forget to include your mobile phone number and e-mail address
    - make sure you complete the form with the state codes as per the information on: Country codes - Ministerstvo vnitra České republiky (mvcr.cz), namely for the Republic of North Macedonia - MKD, for the Republic of Kosovo - XXK
  2. one copy of the filled visa application
  3. two passport size photographs
    - photos must be identical, recent, in color, size 3,5 x 4,5 cm, entire face must be clearly visible, with white background and in a good print quality on high quality photo paper, made at professional photo studio; do not print photos yourself or the application will be returned to you as unacceptable (!)
    - one photo must be glued on the visa form and the other one (with your surname on back) must be submitted enclosed loosely inside the passport
  4. passport
    - original (!)
    - validity must exceed intended stay by at least 3 months
    - must be issued within the previous 10 years
    - must contain at least two blank pages
  • - passport is not retained during the processing of long-term visa, but needs to be re-submitted when collecting the visa, so visa can be issued in the passport.
  1. two copies of the data page of the passport
  2. document confirming the purpose of stay
    - document confirming entry into the pertinent register, list or record:
    1) applicant who will do business on basis of the Trade Licensing Act (Živnostenský zákon) as a self-employed person will submit a statement/extract from the Czech Trade Register (Výpis z živnostenského rejstříku) or a statement/extract from the Commercial Register (Výpis z obchodního rejstříku)
    2) in case of an applicant who is a statutory body or member of a statutory body of a company or cooperative AND who does not perform tasks ensuing from the given legal entity's subject of business for this legal entity (i.e. a work permit for this purpose has not been issued), the document confirming the purpose of stay will be an extract from the Commercial Register (Výpis z obchodního rejstříku) from which the applicant's status as a statutory body or member of a statutory body of a company or cooperative is clear
  3. one copy of the document confirming the purpose of stay
  4. proof of accommodation
    - written confirmation of the owner of the apartment/house with a notarized signature (by a Notary Public in the Czech Republic) OR rental/lease contract, sub-letting contract, accommodation agreement or an agreement with similar content
    - original or notarized copy in Czech language of any of the mentioned documents must be submitted
  5. one copy of all the documents submitted as proof of accommodation
  6. documents confirming sufficient financial resources
    - it is necessary to prove the availability of financial funds that are 50 times the amount of the existential minimum (currently CZK 3,130 per month), which is CZK 156,500, i.e. approx. EUR 6,300.

- remember that only checking or savings bank accounts are acceptable;

Funds to cover the stay in the Czech Republic may be proven by one of following means:
1) notarized copy of the front side of a valid international debit/credit card on the name of the applicant AND corresponding checking bank account statement for the last three (3) months (originally issued in English or if the original is in Macedonian or Albanian, with verified translation into Czech language)
2) notarized copy of the front side of a valid international debit/credit card on the name of the applicant AND original letter from the bank confirming that the applicant can use the financial funds (with verified translation into Czech language)

11. one copy of all the documents confirming sufficient financial resources

12. criminal history record from the authorized court in the Republic of North Macedonia or the Republic of Kosovo translated into the Czech language by an official translator
- required from all citizens older than 15 years
- if the applicant lived in any other country for 6 months or longer in the previous three years, an Excerpt from Criminal History Record issued by that country must be submitted with the required legalization/apostille and verified translation into Czech language

13. Medical health insurance - you will be asked to submit health insurance upon collection of your visa. The type and length will be specified in the collection notice. Detailed information about medical health insurance can be found on the website of the Ministry of Interior.

14. one copy of all the travel medical insurance documents

15. visa application fee
- payable in cash only (EURO)
- please, provide exact cash!

Once you have everything ready, please send us an email (visa_skopje@mzv.cz) so we can schedule an appointment for you.

In the „Subject line" of the email message please state: Your full name – Long-term Business Visa (for example: "John Doe – Long-term Family Business Visa“).

In the message, please state:

1/ full name of the applicant

2/ contact information (email, phone number, residence address of the applicant)

3/ the name and type of the company you have registered in the Czech Republic and the dates of the planned stay


form_long-term visa - 554 KB PDF (Adobe Acrobat document) Mar 26, 2015

Zařazenoút 26.09.2023 14:09:00
ZdrojMZv ČR ve Skopje

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