The Czech Republic at the 54th session of the UN Human Rights Council

The Czech Republic at the 54th session of the UN Human Rights Council

08.09.2023 / 17:24 | Aktualizováno: 11.09.2023 / 17:25

The 54th regular session of the UN Human Rights Council takes place from 11 September to 13 October. The Czech Republic participates as a voting member.

The Czech Republic is currently a member of the Human Rights Council until the end of 2023. This year, the Permanent Representative Václav Bálek serves also as the President of the Council. For more information on the Human Rights Council’s Presidency see

The autumn session of the UN Human Rights Council lasts for a record five weeks. The agenda of the session includes more than 50 discussions on human rights situations and issues, as well as the adoption of the Universal Periodic Review outcomes of 14 countries. More than 30 resolutions will be discussed and decided upon by the Council at the end of the session. The Czech Republic, along with 25 EU states, will present a resolution to extend the mandate of the Special Rapporteur on the human rights situation in Russia. As EU27 will also present resolutions to extend the mandates of the Special Rapporteurs on the situation in Afghanistan and Burundi. The Czech Republic will actively support, among others, the resolution on the right to privacy in the digital age.

The Czech Republic will deliver national statements in the following discussions (to be updated continuously):

  1. Interactive dialogue on the report of OHCHR on Afghanistan (item 2) – 12/9
  2. General debate on the oral update by the High Commissioner (item 2) – 12/9
  3. Interactive dialogue with the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Russian Federation (item 4) – 21/9
  4. Interactive dialogue on the interim oral update of the High Commissioner on the situation of human rights in Belarus in the run-up to the 2020 presidential election and in its aftermath (item 4) – 22/9
  5. Interactive dialogue with the International Commission of Inquiry on Ukraine (item 4) – 25/9
  6. Interactive dialogue with the independent international fact-finding mission on the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (item 4) – 25/9
  7. Interactive dialogue on the HC report on the Human rights situation in Myanmar (item 4) – 26/9
  8. General debate on the human rights situations that require the Council’s attention (item 4) – 26/9
  9. Interactive dialogue on the Secretary General's report on alleged reprisals against those who seek to cooperate or have cooperated with the United Nations, its representatives and mechanisms (item 5) – 28/9
  10. Interactive dialogue with the High Commissioner on the oral update on Ukraine (item 10) – 9/10

Zařazenopo 11.09.2023 17:09:00
ZdrojMZv ČR mission.geneva

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