Join the 11th edition of the EURAXESS Science Slam India competition!

Join the 11th edition of the EURAXESS Science Slam India competition!

12.09.2023 / 13:26

Date: 08 September 2023 - 20 October 2023 , Venue: Final ceremony is to take place in Colcata in December 2023

Communicate your research in a creative way! Join the 11th edition of the EURAXESS Science Slam India now and win a free trip to Europe! Submission is open from 8 September to 20 October. Get ready for slamming your way to Europe. How? Find all the answers below on this page.

The 1st prize this year will be a round trip to Europe to visit a research institute of the winner's choice in the European Union in 2024.

Students and Researchers in all fields (including Social Sciences and Humanities) of all career levels (MA/MSc candidates and above in academia, private sector or related careers) based in India are invited to send in a short video.

Video submission Deadline is 20 October.

More Information about the Science Slam and how to participate can be found on our EURAXESS India website:


Video: Find all the answers below on this page or watch the Video:

Join the 11th edition of the EURAXESS Science Slam India competition!

Join the 11th edition of the EURAXESS Science Slam India competition!

Zařazenoút 05.09.2023 13:09:00
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