Save the date: webinar on job skills statistics

A carpenter working with wood.
© Roman Samborskyi/

From hard manual labour to complex calculations, how we spend our working time is determined by the skills we use. In the European year of skills, we use this opportunity to take a peek at the wide range of data Eurostat has on labour market demand and supply, educational attainment levels, digital skills proficiency, and working time dynamics.

If you are curious about which job skills are in demand, or how education impacts the type of work people do and the time they spend on specific tasks, join us for a webinar with our experts from the labour market and lifelong learning unit on 27 October, from 11.00 to 12.00 CEST.

Job skills statistics - webinar cover

The online webinar will be streamed on the Eurostat website and the Eurostat Facebook account. It is open to anyone interested, and there is no need to register. There will be an opportunity to ask questions via Slido.

Add the event to your calendar by clicking below, and join us.
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For more information

  • Webinar live stream
  • Statistics explained article on employment statistics - utilisation of job skills
  • Thematic section on labour market (including labour force survey)
  • Database on labour market
  • Eurostat Events page

If you have any queries, please visit our contact us page.

Zařazenopá 13.10.2023 15:10:00
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