The Czech Republic supported women in Beit Sahour

The Czech Republic supported women in Beit Sahour

15.09.2023 / 15:31 | Aktualizováno: 15.09.2023 / 15:35

On 14 September 2023, a small local project was officially concluded in the presence of Jakub Šlosárek, Head of the Czech Representative Office in Ramallah, and Mary Issa Musleh, President of the Arab Women Union. In the framework of the project, the Czech Republic supported a purchase of a large-capacity gas oven for the Union’s kitchen.

Arab Women Union in the city of Beit Sahour near Bethlehem has long supported the local community –employing people with disabilities or running a kindergarten. It funds its non-profit activities, among other things, by selling production of its kitchen, where it employs local women. The capacity of this kitchen has now been expanded by an oven made by the Czech company Retigo. The Czech Republic has supported the Union repeatedly, in the past it supported installation of a solar-powered herb and fruit dryer.

Zařazenopá 15.09.2023 15:09:00
ZdrojMZv ČR Ramalláh

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