Presentation and tasting of special unfiltered Pilsner Urquell beer

Presentation and tasting of special unfiltered Pilsner Urquell beer

17.10.2023 / 08:22 | Aktualizováno: 17.10.2023 / 08:40

Unfiltered Pilsner Urquell beer came to Estonia for the first time, the Czech Embassy in Tallinn welcomed guests to the presentation and tasting of the special beer.

On October 12, the Czech Embassy in Tallinn hosted a presentation and tasting of a special Pilsner Urquell unfiltered lager. This beer is specially produced in the Pilsen brewery once a year to commemorate the first bottling of Pilsner beer in 1842. Unfiltered beer is brewed in the same way as regular pilsener beer, except that it does not go through the process of filtration and pasteurization. A small amount of brewer's yeast will remain in it, so it has a fuller taste. This beer came to Estonia for the first time in history and certainly did not disappoint Estonians. Beer was served with typical Czech pub snacks, such as pickled sausages, brawn or marinated camembert cheese and crackling spread.

Ambassador David Král welcomed the guests.

Ambassador David Král welcomed the guests.

The evening was introduced by the Czech ambassador to Estonia, David Král, and Ertti Hermanson, the director of Momentin, company which distributes beer in the Baltics. Brand Manager of Asahi International Bige Saglam then followed up with a short presentation about the history of beer in the Czech Republic and about the specific production of unfiltered beer. This was followed by free entertainment with tasting of both beer and food. At the event ambassadors of Norway, Sweden, Greece, Turkey and Spain were not missing. The Czech beer is popular in the world!

Guests during the presentation by Ms. Bige Saglam, Sales Manager of Asahi International.

Guests during the presentation by Ms. Bige Saglam, Sales Manager of Asahi International.

Zařazenoút 17.10.2023 08:10:00
ZdrojMZv ČR Tallinn

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