P4F Postdoctoral Fellowship: Call for Applications open until 10 November

P4F Postdoctoral Fellowship: Call for Applications open until 10 November

16.10.2023 / 11:07 | Aktualizováno: 16.10.2023 / 11:20

The Embassy of the Czech Republic in Estonia is thrilled to announce a remarkable opportunity for the global research community through the Physics for Future (P4F) program.

Co-funded by the Marie Skłodowska-Curie COFUND and steered by the Institute of Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, the P4F program offers postdoctoral fellowships for ambitious researchers wishing to execute their own bottom-up research project over two years in the Czech Republic. Fellows will be guided by experienced supervisors in the following research domains: astronomy, astrophysics and cosmology; atomic, molecular and chemical physics; biophysics; condensed matter physics; fluids and plasma physics (including surface physics); high energy physics; nano materials; nuclear physics; optics; pure mathematics, applied mathematics; statistical physics.

Key Benefits

  • Mentorship: Fellows receive guidance from some of the leading experts in their respective domains.
  • Allowances: A provision for mobility allowances and a special needs allowance for researchers with disabilities.
  • Competitive Salary: Fellows will be entitled to a gross monthly salary of EUR 3200, excluding potential family allowances.

The P4F initiative is all set to onboard 60 postdoctoral fellows over its course. The first call for applications is already underway and closes on 10 November 2023. The program aspires to recruit 30 fellows in this cycle.

Eligibility Snapshot

  • Possession of a Ph.D. degree by the call deadline.
  • Restrictions on prior residence or work experience in the Czech Republic.
  • A cap on post-Ph.D. research experience.

This venture embodies a promising step toward fostering scientific discovery and research prowess. We urge educational institutions, professors, and research entities to propagate this information, ensuring that potential candidates harness this opportunity.

For more details, including the timeline, eligibility criteria, and application process, kindly refer to the attached document. Potential candidates can reach out to the P4F management team at p4f@fzu.cz. Further information can be found here.


P4F Guide for applicants - 170 KB PDF (Adobe Acrobat document) Oct 16, 2023

Zařazenopo 16.10.2023 11:10:00
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