Future Forces Forum 2024

Future Forces Forum 2024

02.10.2023 / 10:18 | Aktualizováno: 02.10.2023 / 10:52

The Czech Republic will host the 15th FUTURE FORCES FORUM (FFF) on 16-18 October 2024 in Prague. FUTURE FORCES FORUM (FFF) is a highly recognized and widely endorsed international platform for defence & security information exchange and for promotion of the allied and partner countries objectives within national and global security. The primary objective is to develop security and defence cooperation within NATO, EU and other partner countries, military and civil authorities. All events are focused on the presentation of current and future needs of the armed and security forces, state-of-the-art technologies and R&D programmes with interactions between all involved stakeholders on the military and also civilian level.

The event is organized under the auspices of the Czech President and Government. It is held in close cooperation with armed and security forces, NATO, EDA and other relevant organisations who are involved in the programme. The Forum addresses the latest trends and needs in defence and security area and helps to achieve the much sought-after interoperability within Joint All-Domain Operations environment. Another important aim is to facilitate active engagement with partner countries, international organizations, armed and security forces, law enforcement, private sector, R&D, and academia across the globe. The FFF also regularly hosts the official NATO working groups sessions.

It is an excellent opportunity to exchange views on the identified areas of priority, while providing in parallel the opportunity to discuss and present a range of important issues of mutual interest with all stakeholders and partners (users, industry, and academia) involved in defence and security field.

The main FFF 2024 topics are Air Defence & Counter UAS | Autonomous Systems, Robotics & AI | CBRN | Counter-Terrorism | Crisis Management | Crisis & Military Medicine | Cyber Defence & Security | Emerging & Disruptive Technologies | Future Air Force | Future Land Forces | Homeland Security | Individual Equipment & Protection | Integrated Forces | Law Enforcement | Logistics | Resilience | Training & Simulation.

You can get more information about the Forum here


FFF 2024 - 2 MB PDF (Adobe Acrobat document) Oct 2, 2023

Zařazenopo 02.10.2023 10:10:00
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