Call for Proposals: Local Transformation Projects (LTPs) 2024

Call for Proposals: Local Transformation Projects (LTPs) 2024

05.10.2023 / 07:13 | Aktualizováno: 19.10.2023 / 07:31

We are pleased to launch a call for proposals for the Local Transformation Projects (LTPs) for the year 2024 managed by the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Manila. Applications are welcome from the Philippines, Palau, Federated States of Micronesia, Marshall Islands and Nauru. The deadline for proposals is November 10, 2023.


In accordance with the Programme of the Czech Republic’s Human Rights and Transition Promotion Policy, the projects should focus on the following areas:

  1. supporting civil society, including human rights defenders;
  2. promoting the freedom of expression and information, including the freedom of media;
  3. promoting an equal and full political and public participation;
  4. supporting institution-building in the area of rule of law;
  5. promoting equality and non-discrimination;
  6. promoting human rights in the areas of employment and environment protection.


A project can be funded with a budget up to 500,000 CZK (approx. 1 million PHP) maximum. The minimal funding is 100,000 CZK (approx. 200 thousand PHP). Co-funding from the applicant or other sources is welcome.

Maximum LTP duration is from signing of the contract (March 2024) to end of September 2024, i.e. up to 7 months in total.


Only local non-governmental, community and not-for-profit organizations with legal capacity in their respective counties can submit an LTP proposal.


All proposals should be delivered to the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Manila BOTH in electronic form (editable Excel format file AND scanned .pdf file with a signature and stamp, to both emails: AND, AND paper form to the address:

Embassy of the Czech Republic

30/F Rufino Pacific Tower

6784 Ayala Ave

1226 Makati City

Metro Manila


The proposals must contain:

  1. completed Identification Form with stamp and signature (see the attachment),
  2. copy of a document proving the Applicant’s legal capacity (a document proving the organization submitting the proposal legally exists – e.g. document of incorporation, registration or establishment of the organization),
  3. copy of an authorization of the signed person to act on the Applicant’s behalf (a document proving that the person submitting the proposal can act on behalf of the organization – e.g. an authorization letter signed and stamped by the CEO or a Director of the Organization).

All documentation must be in English.


  1. Interested entities should submit their proposals to the Embassy of the Czech Republic no later than November 10, 2023. Please note that both electronic and paper versions of the submission are required. These deadlines are final and cannot be extended due to the necessary following procedural steps.
  2. The assessment of the proposals will take several months and should be completed by February 2024.
  3. Successful applicants should sign a contract for implementation of the project with the Embassy of the Czech Republic no later than in March 2024.
  4. All LTP activities should be finished no later than September 30, 2024.
  5. Successful applicants must submit a Final Report and all relevant financial documents to the Embassy of the Czech Republic as soon as possible after the LTP conclusion, not later than 15 days after the conclusion date of the project.


Please download and use the below attached Identification Form in order to submit your proposal. Only proposals duly prepared and submitted in this form and in line with these instructions will be admitted for evaluation. Project calculations in terms of financial requirements should be filled in using PHP as project currencies in order to facilitate conversion to CZK. Please, do not fill in the financial requirements in CZK, as this will be added later.

Please bear in mind that currency fluctuations need to be taken into account. Contracts for awarded LTPs will be quoted in CZK. The approved CZK amount is final and cannot be changed. It is thus necessary to take this into account during the project and budget preparation and allocation in the Identification Form.

Please make sure all the documents are in English.

We are looking forward to receiving your proposals.


Identification Form LTP - 46 KB XLS (Excel document) Oct 19, 2023

Zařazenočt 19.10.2023 07:10:00
ZdrojMZv ČR Manila

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