Karel Schwarzenberg dies

Karel Schwarzenberg dies

14.11.2023 / 07:45 | Aktualizováno: 15.11.2023 / 08:00

Former Czech foreign minister Karel Schwarzenberg has died at the age of 85. He fought for his country all his life, even when his family was in exile and he could not be sure that he would ever be able to return home.

Karel Schwarzenberg could talk engagingly for hours about foreign policy, international relations and our values and cultural roots in Europe and the West, and he also worked tirelessly to make Czechoslovakia a free and democratic country again. After the division of Czechoslovakia, he was guided daily by the principles of Masaryk's work in the upliftment of our country. Like the first president of independent Czechoslovakia and the first president of the free Czech Republic, he hated idle chatter, and one of his most frequent responses to discussions about the ills and iniquities of this world was: "Well, what are we going to do about it?"

He was aware how uncertain and fragile our freedom and democracy are, as well as the position of the Czech Republic in Europe and the world. He understood that good relations with our neighbors are crucial for us and that NATO and the European Union will not guarantee our security and prosperity if we do not do something every day for the security and well-being of the Czech Republic and our allies. He knew that we must courageously defend ourselves against despotism and other undemocratic states that want to destroy our freedom and our will to defend it. He knew the importance of supporting human rights and those who are denied them.

With all of this, Karel Schwarzenberg inspired at least two generations of Czech diplomats. Along with his endless kindness, insight, elegance and sense of humor, he will remain with us forever.

Honour to his memory!

Entries in the book of condolences can be left at the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Tallinn, 4 Lahe, Tallinn, on 13 November from 14:00 to 16:00, on 14 November from 10:00 to 12:00 and from 14:00 to 16:00, 15 November from 10:00 to 12:00 and from 14:00 to 16:00. You can also send your condolences by e-mail to: condolences@mzv.cz.

Zařazenost 15.11.2023 08:11:00
ZdrojMZv ČR Tallinn
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