Ambassador Urban handed over to Mother Tereza hospital Czech hospital beds

Ambassador Urban handed over to Mother Tereza hospital Czech hospital beds

31.10.2023 / 13:00 | Aktualizováno: 31.10.2023 / 13:10

Ambassador of the Czech Republic, Karel Urban, handed over hospital beds and other medical equipment made by Czech company Proma Reha to the director of the Mother Teresa University Hospital Prof. Albana Fico. Czech products were donated in the framework of Czech Development Cooperation in Albania.

Ambassador Urban informed that the Czech Republic implements in Albania at least one development aid project in the health sector every year. This year, in addition to the supply of hospital beds, it also supported the production of limb prostheses. Last year it supplied the Koco Gliozheni maternity hospital in Tirana with a high-tech neonatal incubator from the Czech company TSE and a neonatal transport bag from the company EGO Zlín.

The Czech Republic has one of the best healthcare systems in the European Union and is also a traditional producer of various medical equipment.

Sharing knowledge and products with Albania will contribute to the further expansion and deepening of Czech-Albanian economic and trade relations.

Ambassador K. Urban and commercial counsellor P. Vlk with director of Mother Tereza hospital (right)

Ambassador K. Urban and commercial counsellor P. Vlk with director of Mother Tereza hospital (right)

Detail of the bed Supreta M from Proma Reha

Detail of the bed Supreta M from Proma Reha

Emergency transport and examination beds from Proma Reha

Emergency transport and examination beds from Proma Reha

Zařazenoút 31.10.2023 13:10:00
ZdrojMZv ČR v Tiraně

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