Vice-President Suica delivers closing remarks in the European Parliament Plenary debate on "Proposal for a revised Directive on driving licences"

VP Suica delivers closing remarks in the EP Plenary debate

President, Honourable Members,

Thank you for this interesting debate – I took note of all your comments and questions and please be reassured that I will convey them to Commissioner Valean.

Following the exchanges today, I am pleased to note that even though there are diverging opinions on certain issues, we all share the two main goals of the Commission's proposal: to strengthen road safety and to facilitate free movement.

I look forward to the vote on your report, where I hope Parliament will support our proposal.

Whilst this file will unfortunately not be concluded under the current mandate, I am sure that the Plenary vote will send out a strong and unequivocal message to citizens that our Union is ready to work together to ensure that everyone can feel safe on our roads.

Thank you.

Zařazenost 28.02.2024 19:02:00
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