Vice-President Suica delivers a speech via videoconference for the Fundamental Rights Forum 2024: “Rights in Motion: Embracing human rights for Europe's future”, organized by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights

VP Suica delivers a speech via videoconference for Forum

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The European Green Deal has set in motion the transformation of our society and economy.
This transition can only succeed with the buy-in and involvement of the public.

We need make sure the policy actions relate and deliver tangible benefits to the European society at large.
Ultimately, this shouldn't be a difficult sell, as – next to fighting climate change - it will improve people's lives.

With new green jobs, better insulated homes, infrastructure better prepared for extreme weather, more green spaces in cities and less waste, cleaner air and water, healthier food – our health, well-being and finances will improve, and our societies will prosper.

Most people are already concerned about the climate crisis and are willing to act to fight against it.

An EU-wide survey we carried out last year showed that 93% of people think of climate change as a serious problem and are consciously making sustainable choices in the daily lives.
International surveys show these concerns are shared by people around the world.
This is the good news.

But the challenge is that people underestimate the willingness of their fellow citizens to act.

This perception gap, and the fact that many will only act if they see others taking action, remains a considerable obstacle to further climate action.

Our task is to raise awareness about the broad European and global support for climate action.

One of our key tools to ensure this is the European Climate Pact, a diverse community of individuals and stakeholders from across various sectors in all EU Member States.

These citizens are committed to climate action and contribute to the European Union's climate goals.
It encourages collaboration, knowledge sharing, and the exchange of best practices among participants.
The pact aims to raise awareness about climate change, foster dialogue, and empower citizens and organisations to take concrete steps towards reducing their carbon footprint and transitioning to a greener economy.

The perspective of children and young people is crucial in the green transition.
It is our next generation that will bear the impact of climate change.
Their voices should be heard loud and clear in the public debate about tackling the climate crisis.
After all, in Europe especially, it is their activism that has put climate action at the top of the political agenda.

Under the Pact we have organised events, participatory activities and youth dialogues with policymakers through which young people can voice their concerns and propose solutions.
Hundreds of young Climate Pact Ambassadors promote climate action among young people on the ground and are supporting their local activities.

Beyond that we have, under my steer, developed a number of innovative citizen engagement tools, such as the Conference on the Future of Europe and the European Citizens Panels.

These panels were one of the many ideas that we are implementing inspired by our citizens. They will now become a permanent feature in our institutional policy-making processes.

Responding to children's call for greater engagement in decision-making processes and democratic life, we have created an EU Children's Participation Platform. During the first general assembly that took place in Brussels in June 2023, children expressed their wish to talk about a fairer and greener Europe, which we are following up on this year.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Concerted action on climate change means making intergenerational solidarity a reality.
And we need to act together with all our citizens, including the youngest.
To join forces across the entire life cycle to preserve this planet for present and future generations.

Thank you.

Zařazenoút 12.03.2024 15:03:00
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