Vice-President Suica delivers a keynote speech in the opening session of the VOICE Report Launch - Children's views on online child safety, organized by EUROCHILD

VP Suica delivers a keynote speech for the VOICE launch

Dear children, honourable members, partners,
Ladies and gentlemen,

I am delighted to open the launch of the VOICE report, a crucial project as we jointly seek to build a safer online world for children.
Protecting, empowering and respecting children online is a key priority for the Commission while we build a Europe fit for the digital age.

Over the course of this mandate, this Commission has built a policy and legislative framework that reflects this.

Let me highlight just four key initiatives:
• the Digital Services Act
• the recently created Age Verification Task Force
• the Better Internet for Kids + strategy
• and our legislative efforts in the fight against online child sexual abuse.

First, the Digital Services Act, or DSA, is a landmark piece of legislation, which has now entered into force.

It aims to make the internet a safer place for everyone, especially children. We are paying close attention to make sure that online platforms comply with DSA obligations.
For example, on 19 February, we opened formal proceedings against TikTok to assess whether the platform may have breached the DSA, including in areas linked to the protection of minors.

Second, age verification is a critical component in protecting children from serious potential harm.

We have convened an Age Verification Task Force with Member States, the European Data Protection Board and the European Regulators Group for Audiovisual Media Services.

Together we seek common European solutions, including the opportunities offered by the new European Digital Identity wallet.

Dear friends,

Protecting children online is also about empowerment, making sure that children, caregivers and educators understand their rights and know how to act on them.

This brings me to my third point: the Better Internet for Kids (BIK)+ Strategy.

This strategy supports action so that children acquire the skills and competences they need to make sound choices and express themselves safely and responsibly online.

Based on a well-established network funded by the Digital Europe Programme, namely the BIK platform at EU level and Safer Internet Centres in the Member States, we assist children and parents in need.

We develop awareness campaigns and resources for children, parents, carers and teachers in all European Union languages.

Children's views on digital matters that concern them are of utmost importance.
We have established the EU Child Participation Platform as a tool for children to express themselves on all issues in a meaningful way.

We encourage you to take on leadership roles and serve as ambassadors in discussions about online safety.

Here, initiatives such as your VOICE report are crucial.

Some 500 of you shared your views on what makes you feel unsafe and safe online.

This is of great help to us policymakers to ensure you can safely and skilfully navigate the digital world.

Fourth, we are continuing to implement the EU Strategy for a more effective fight against child sexual abuse.

As part of this strategy, in May 2022 we proposed a Regulation to prevent and combat child sexual abuse. This regulation would impose obligations on companies to prevent the dissemination of child sexual abuse material.

The proposal would also establish an EU Centre to prevent and combat child sexual abuse as a decentralised EU agency.

Negotiations between co-legislators on the proposal are ongoing.

Meanwhile, an Interim Regulation enables service providers to continue detection in interpersonal communications on a voluntary basis.
The EU agreed extend it until 3 April 2026 to bridge the period until the legislation to tackle child sexual abuse online is approved.
I understand that this Interim Regulation will be voted on this week at the European Parliament.

On 6 February this year, we also proposed a targeted revision of our criminal law framework with the recast of the Child Sexual Abuse Directive.
It criminalises all forms of online child sexual abuse and exploitation and strengthens national rules on investigation and prosecution to effectively fight these terrible crimes.

With these examples I want to reassure the Commission prioritises child online safety.

We are deeply grateful to all our partners here today for your invaluable cooperation.

Only by joining forces, we will be able to succeed.

Through a whole of society approach.

Here I would like to mention that the past weekend's European Citizen Panel on tackling hatred in society generated many discussions amongst citizens about the need to address cyber bullying and hatred that starts from a young age and is mainly propagated through social media.

In closing, let me thank you for the excellent work you are doing and for organising this event today.

The VOICE report is an important contribution to our joint work on keeping children safe online.

Far too often we talk about children, not with them.

Your report lets children speak and gives them a voice – and we can all learn a lot by listening and acting accordingly.

I thank you and I wish you excellent discussions

Zařazenopo 08.04.2024 18:04:00
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