Opening speech by President von der Leyen at the second New European Bauhaus Festival

Opening speech by the President: New European Bauhaus

"Check against delivery"

Dear Prime Minister De Croo, dear Alexander,

Dear European Bauhaus community,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

A warm welcome to you all. I am delighted to be here with you, to open the 2024 Festival of the New European Bauhaus. And I would like to thank you, dear Alexander, and the Belgian Presidency – as well as the City of Brussels – for hosting us in this special location. Just look where we are today. I cannot think of a more fitting setting for this international festival than Cinquantenaire. A green oasis in one of the world's most culturally diverse cities where families and friends from all walks of life come to picnic, throw a frisbee, or just relax, where culture meets nature. Here, in Cinquantenaire, the three principles of the New European Bauhaus come to life: beauty, sustainability, and inclusivity.

Every time I immerse myself in the world of the New European Bauhaus, I am amazed. Amazed by how much richer, more diverse, and more vibrant it has become. What started as a small project three years ago has grown into a vast movement. And it has given rise to so many ideas and so much progress on the ground, where it really matters. In Spain, for instance. There you have found a way to use cutting-edge 3D printing technology to ‘print' sustainable buildings made of earth. Or in Estonia, where you have created a 13-kilometer-long ‘pollinator highway'. It has attracted 22 bumblebee species, but also serves as a green space for Tallinn citizens. And also in Ukraine. The ‘Future School of Ukraine initiative' provides a free-to-use adaptive architectural design. It is for new, modern, and inclusive schools to be built across the country. There are so many good ideas out there.

Dear friends,

Today, our New European Bauhaus enriches the lives of citizens and communities across Europe and the world. Our movement has grown up. Three years ago, we planted a seed. Today, it has grown into a forest. The seed of the New European Bauhaus was a simple idea. We wanted to showcase what a better future could look like. A future that appeals to our eyes, our minds, and our souls where the environmental and social imperatives of today meet visions of tomorrow, where people from different countries and backgrounds come together to imagine and create a sustainable, inclusive, and indeed more beautiful future. Today, the New European Bauhaus Community spans over 750 non-profit organisations: a network of over 200 businesses and public authorities and a roundtable of esteemed high-level advisors from three continents. Together, these organisations reach millions of people.

You, the people are the strength of the New European Bauhaus. From here in Brussels, we know we can never match the creativity, diversity, and ingenuity of the Bauhaus community, but we can give you tools and resources to spread the spirit. I am proud that we have supported your work with over EUR 250 million in funding. And I am proud that tomorrow, we will officially launch the New European Bauhaus Academy. It will train a new generation of architects, engineers, and construction workers. It will give them the knowledge and skills they need to turn sustainable materials into beautiful spaces. And I would like to thank Commissioner Ivanova, for leading this important work. Dear Iliana, it is good to have you by my side.

And it is also great to see that our movement has also gained support beyond the European institutions. More and more Member States across the EU are using cohesion funds to support New European Bauhaus projects. In the outskirts of Rome, for example, a neglected public housing complex will be revitalised and transformed. A new park will be created at its heart. And the project will be shaped by the young people living in the area. Or take the Belgian city of Mechelen. There, a green space will be created along the river, with terraces and swimming spots. In an area undergoing gentrification, this New European Bauhaus style project will ensure that everyone has access to the beauty of nature. And I would like to thank Commissioner Ferreira for her leadership in bringing Member States on board for so many initiatives like these. Dear Elisa, this would not have been possible without you.

But above all, the New European Bauhaus is a project for and led by communities. The finalists for this year's New European Bauhaus prizes are a True inspiration for all of us. There is a mountainous region in Portugal called Barroso. It is known for its tremendous beauty and cultural heritage. For centuries, the wool cycle – from sheep to shop – was a lifeline to rural communities. But over time, the traditional fabric out of wool fell into disuse. A nature-based industry disappeared. And along with it, a part of the cultural homeland. So, the Barroso community decided to bring it back. Through a collective effort that includes everyone – from shepherds to grandmothers, and from policy makers to local businesses, they recreated the wool cycle, a sustainable circular economy. They not only brought back a timeless tradition. They also created a new tourist programme around the effort. Along the way, they unearthed stories, and restored a forgotten sense of connection with the land. In other words, they brought back purpose and perspective for the entire region. This is just one example – one of hundreds – that shows how we Europeans, from all walks of life, can shape a future that is more sustainable, more inclusive, and more beautiful.

My dear friends,

Speaking of the future, now that our initiative is mature, we need to amplify our efforts. It is time to scale up. For the New European Bauhaus this means three things: We need to ensure stable funding. We need to diversify sectors. And we must promote competitiveness.

First, funding. We managed to establish a new, dedicated funding instrument under the Horizon Europe programme: the New European Bauhaus Facility. Beginning next year, the Facility will put forward EUR 120 million per year for research and innovation projects through 2027 and our aim is to contribute at a similar level from other EU programmes.

Second, diversification: When we launched the New European Bauhaus we focused on the built environment. This critical work will continue. But we need to explore more sectors. Because sustainability is not only about where we live and work, but also how we live and work. In that vein, I am pleased to see the creation of a European alliance for a more sustainable future of the fashion industry. And I am glad that fashion and textiles feature more prominently in this year's Bauhaus festival. When you walk through the fair you will see the sustainable costumes project, which unites opera companies in Iceland and Germany. They will set new standards to make the costume creation process more sustainable and inclusive across the entire value chain. Because every economic sector needs to craft its own path towards climate neutrality. The highly agile and innovative fashion industry is well placed to lead the way. Let us show to the world that beauty and sustainability can go hand in hand.

And this brings me to the third point: a healthy environment and a strong business case go together. The European Green Deal is first and foremost a growth strategy, a calculated effort to position Europe as a leader in the global transition to a cleaner economy. And the New European Bauhaus can make an important contribution to this. Earlier this afternoon, stakeholders from the construction sector met with us. They want to discuss the industry's path towards decarbonisation and growth. Our New European Bauhaus can be a space to combine the power of creativity with clean technology. Together we can leverage innovation to create European market leaders for clean products. The possibilities are endless, limited only by our imaginations. Together with our business sector, we can demonstrate to the world how to make the clean transition a success.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

When we launched the New European Bauhaus Initiative, the idea was to light a kind of spark. Today, we have so much more. We have a dynamic movement. One that grows more robust every year. Let us work together to ensure that the New European Bauhaus continues to grow and flourish. Let us make it the beating heart of a more inclusive, sustainable and beautiful Europe.

Long live Europe. Thank you so much.


Opening Ceremony of the New European Bauhaus Festival 2024


Zařazenoút 09.04.2024 19:04:00
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