Address by Commissioner Lenarčič at the Global Gateway Event on Education

Address by Commissioner Lenarčič

Ladies and gentlemen,

Education is a fundamental right for children everywhere – even in the midst of conflict.

It is also, arguably, the most efficient and powerful equality builder. Lifting up societies and transforming lives.

And it is one of the vital steps needed to reduce global humanitarian need, which is today at an all-time high of around 300 million people. Including children.

Tragically, the lifeline of education is all too often denied to children in need – condemning them to remain in the cycle of dependence and poverty.

Today, over a quarter of a billion children are out of school. Imagine if half the entire population of the EU had never had the possibility to access education.

And barriers to education persist – including displacement, insecurity, absence of teaching staff, societal prejudices and pandemics.

Perpetrators of violence are also becoming more brazen in their defiance of international humanitarian law. With increasing attacks on schools, students and teachers in conflict zones.

And many of these barriers to education are set to worsen as the climate crisis deepens.

We know they affect the most vulnerable first. Including girls and children with disabilities.

This is not just a betrayal of children everywhere. It is a huge loss of opportunity at both an individual and a socio-economic level.

The European Union is working to reverse this devastating trend.

Making education a central part of both humanitarian aid and international partnerships through its Global Gateway offer.

At least 10% of all funding in support of people in crisis and development situations goes to providing education in emergencies.

We prioritise children in vulnerable communities. Almost two thirds of countries benefiting from EU education programmes are fragile states.

And we help fight gender inequality in education. Over 90% of the education programmes funded by EU International Partnerships target gender equality.

That's not all. We are working closely with international partners to get more children into schools.

And I am proud that the EU and its member states are together the largest donor to the Global Partnership for Education and a committed funder of Education Cannot Wait.

But all this is not enough. More action is needed to protect and educate children.

First: we must continue to prioritise funding for educational efforts across the world.

Second: we must strengthen the peace-development-humanitarian nexus by putting education at the heart of all our work.

This will not only address short-term needs but also provide long-term sustainable solutions. Like supporting resilience and strengthening local capacities.

Third: we must continue to advocate for greater respect of international humanitarian law. In all conflicts, and by all conflict actors. And we must hold perpetrators to account.

Because it is children who pay the highest price.

Today, this horrific truth is most visible in Gaza. Currently being witnessed by the entire world.

I once again call for a ceasefire. Foremost for the sake of the children of Gaza.

And I urge you to keep the right to education at the centre of the humanitarian and development agenda across the world.

I wish you a fruitful discussion.

Thank you.

Zařazenočt 11.04.2024 15:04:00
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