Speech by Commissioner Elisa Ferreira (video message) for the Leaders Meeting: “Fit for the Future: Global Challenges, Regional Solutions”

Leaders Meeting

Dear participants,

dear regional leaders,

dear friends of regional solutions,

I very much welcome your initiative, so thank you all, and especially the Government of Flanders, for this initiative.

I firmly agree that the major levers for tackling global challenges lie in the hands of Europe's regions.

I say this not just as European Commissioner responsible for Cohesion Policy, but also from nearly 40 years experience in public policy.

Over 40 years, the challenges have changed. But every time it has been my experience that the most successful solutions are those which mobilise the regions of Europe, the bottom-up approaches.

Today you have rightly identified several key challenges.

For the climate transition, it is clear that there are opportunities: we estimate 2 million future jobs in renewable energy, recycling, and deep renovation. And there is the prospect of European self-sufficiency in clean energy.

But there are many preconditions, from infrastructure to technology. And many of these innovations, and investments, must happen at the regional level.

EU Cohesion Policy is investing significantly in the climate and energy transition. And through platforms such as the Just Transition Platform we are exchanging the best practices discovered at the regional level. I encourage you to make the most of these opportunities.

For the importance of trade and geopolitical resilience, it is clear that Europe needs a broad portfolio of diversified value chains. And again, regions are the key.

EU Cohesion Policy is ready to support you. Not only through existing instruments, such as the smart specialisation strategies, and the interregional innovation investments, but also, through new instruments that I would like to underline here, for instance the STEP initiative, promoting Europe's autonomy, through support to investments in strategic sectors.

For a government ready for the digital age, this again is a crucial lever. The public sector plays 2 key roles: first as a provider of efficient, modern public services, second as an enabler of digitalisation. And again, regional administrations are at the forefront.

I encourage you to benefit from the instruments of Cohesion Policy in terms of investments in digitalisation. As well as the exchange, expertise and capacity building that is available from the Technical Support Instrument. Over recent years, this Instrument has gained tremendous experience in supporting the digitalisation of public services across Europe.

Finally, I would like also to encourage you all to play a full part in current discussions on the future of Cohesion Policy.

This policy exists to serve all the regions of Europe and promote a balanced development. And we know that to face the challenges we are faced with we need a cohesive and united Europe with a reinforced Cohesion policy at its heart, supporting all Europe's regions as they forge a path to the future.

To quote your declaration: “Global challenges, require regional solutions”. And, may I add, “Cohesion support” also.

I wish you a fruitful discussion. And I look forward to hearing the results.

Thank you.

Zařazenopá 19.04.2024 16:04:00
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