23.05.2024 Structure of Earnings Survey - 2023


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Introduction Word PDF

A1 Percentage of employees, time paid and gross monthly earnings by CZ-ISCO major group and by sex Excel PDF
A2 Percentage of employees, time paid and gross monthly earnings by unit size and by sex Excel PDF
A3 Percentage of employees, time paid and gross monthly earnings by age and by sex Excel PDF
A4 Percentage of employees, time paid and gross monthly earnings by education and by sex Excel PDF
A5 Percentage of employees, time paid and gross monthly earnings by CZ-NACE section and by sex Excel PDF
A6 Percentage of employees, time paid and gross monthly earnings by financial control and by sex Excel PDF
A7 Percentage of employees, time paid and gross monthly earnings by collective agreement and by sex Excel PDF
A8 Percentage of employees, time paid and gross monthly earnings by length of service and by sex Excel PDF
A9 Structure of average gross monthly earnings by length of service Excel PDF
A10 Structure of average gross monthly earnings by CZ-ISCO sub-major group Excel PDF
A11 Percentage of employees by gross monthly earnings band and by sex Excel PDF
A12 Percentage of employees by gross monthly earnings band and by CZ-NACE section Excel PDF
A13 Percentage of employees by gross monthly earnings band and by unit size Excel PDF
A14 Percentage of employees by gross monthly earnings band and by age Excel PDF
A15 Percentage of employees by gross monthly earnings band and by educational attainment Excel PDF
A16 Percentage of employees by gross monthly earnings band and by CZ-ISCO major group Excel PDF
A17 Percentage of employees by gross monthly earnings band and by length of service Excel PDF
A18 Distribution of gross monthly earnings of employees by educational attainment Excel PDF
A19 Distribution of gross monthly earnings of employees by CZ-ISCO major group Excel PDF
A20 Distribution of gross monthly earnings of employees by CZ-ISCO major group - men Excel PDF
A21 Distribution of gross monthly earnings of employees by CZ-ISCO major group - women Excel PDF
A22 Number of employees, time paid and gross monthly earnings by CZ-ISCO major and unit group and by sex Excel PDF
A23 Number of employees and their average gross monthly earnings by age and by educational attainment Excel PDF
A24 Number of employees and their average gross monthly earnings by CZ-NACE section and by educational attainment Excel PDF
A25 Number of employees and their average gross monthly earnings by CZ-NACE section and by age Excel PDF
A26 Number of employees and their average gross monthly earnings by age and by CZ‑ISCO major group Excel PDF
A27 Number of employees and their average gross monthly earnings by educational attainment and by CZ-ISCO major group Excel PDF
A28 Number of employees and their average gross monthly earnings by educational attainment and by CZ-ISCO major group - men Excel PDF
A29 Number of employees and their average gross monthly earnings by educational attainment and by CZ‑ISCO major group - women Excel PDF
A30 Number of employees and their average gross monthly earnings by CZ-NACE section and by CZ-ISCO major group Excel PDF
A31 Number of employees and their average gross monthly earnings by unit size and by CZ-ISCO major group Excel PDF
B1 Percentage of employees, time paid and gross monthly earnings by sex and by region Excel PDF
B2 Structure of average gross monthly earnings in regions Excel PDF
B3 Percentage of employees by average gross monthly earnings band by cohesion area Excel PDF
B4 Average gross monthly earnings by CZ-ISCO major group and by region Excel PDF
  • year 2024 | 2023
  • year 2023 | 2022
  • year 2022 | 2021
  • year 2021 | 2020
  • year 2020 | 2019
  • year 2019 | 2018
  • year 2018 | 2017
  • year 2017 | 2016
  • year 2016 | 2015
  • year 2015 | 2014
  • year 2014 | 2013
  • year 2013 | 2012
  • year 2010 | 2009
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Published: 23.05.2024
The data are valid as of the release date of the publication.

Zařazenočt 23.05.2024 00:05:00
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