31.05.2024 Forestry - 2023


All data of the publication (1.0 MB) ZIP
Introduction Word PDF
Methodological notes Word PDF

1. Forestry in 2023
Tab. 1.1 Employees and wages in forestry Excel PDF
Tab. 1.2 Balance of unstocked forest areas Excel PDF
Tab. 1.3 Salvage felling Excel PDF
Tab. 1.4 Deliveries of roundwood Excel PDF
Tab. 1.5 Afforestation/reforestation, natural regeneration and roundwood removals by tree species Excel PDF
Tab. 1.6 Supplementary data Excel PDF
Tab. 1.7 Afforestation/reforestation and natural regeneration by region Excel PDF
Tab. 1.8 Roundwood removals by region Excel PDF
Tab. 1.9 Supplementary data by region Excel PDF
Graph 01 Afforestation/reforestation – coniferous, 2023 Excel PDF
Graph 02 Afforestation/reforestation – non-coniferous, 2023 Excel PDF
Graph 03 Roundwood removals – coniferous, 2023 Excel PDF
Graph 04 Roundwood removals – non-coniferous, 2023 Excel PDF
Graph 05 Afforestation/reforestation: by region, 2023 Excel PDF
Graph 06 Roundwood removals: by region, 2023 Excel PDF

2. Time series
Tab. 2.1 Average registered number of employees – actual persons Excel PDF
Tab. 2.2 Average registered number of employees – full-time equivalent Excel PDF
Tab. 2.3 Average monthly gross wage (per employee – actual person) Excel PDF
Tab. 2.4 Average monthly gross wage of manual workers (per employee – actual person) Excel PDF
Tab. 2.5 Forest land by type of forest-managing enterprise Excel PDF
Tab. 2.6 Afforestation/reforestation Excel PDF
Tab. 2.7 Afforestation/reforestation and natural regeneration - coniferous Excel PDF
Tab. 2.8 Afforestation/reforestation and natural regeneration – non-coniferous Excel PDF
Tab. 2.9 Roundwood removals - coniferous Excel PDF
Tab. 2.10 Roundwood removals – non-coniferous Excel PDF
Tab. 2.11 Salvage felling Excel PDF
Tab. 2.12 Deliveries of roundwood - coniferous Excel PDF
Tab. 2.13 Deliveries of roundwood – non-coniferous Excel PDF
Tab. 2.14 Balance of unstocked forest areas Excel PDF
Graph 07 Employees and wages in forestry Excel PDF
Graph 08 Deliveries of roundwood in 2015 Excel PDF
Graph 09 Deliveries of roundwood in 2023 Excel PDF
Graph 10 Afforestation/reforestation Excel PDF
Graph 11 Roundwood removals Excel PDF
Graph 12 Processed timber from salvage felling Excel PDF
Graph 13 Salvage felling – remains to be processed Excel PDF
Graph 14 Thinning and cleaning Excel PDF
Graph 15 Damage caused by game Excel PDF

3. Economic accounts for forestry and logging, years 2017–2022
Methodological notes Word PDF
Tab. 3.1 Economic accounts for forestry and logging, years 2017–2022 (million CZK) Excel PDF
Graph 16 Structure of output of forestry in 2022 Excel PDF
Graph 17 Structure of intermediate consumption of forestry in 2022 Excel PDF
  • year 2024 | 2023
  • year 2023 | 2022
  • year 2022 | 2021
  • year 2021 | 2020
  • year 2020 | 2019
  • year 2019 | 2018
  • year 2018 | 2017
  • year 2017 | 2016
  • year 2016 | 2015
  • year 2015 | 2014
  • year 2014 | 2013
  • year 2013 | 2012
  • year 2012 | 2011
  • year 2011 | 2010
  • year 2010 | 2009
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Published: 31.05.2024
The data are valid as of the release date of the publication.

Zařazenopá 31.05.2024 00:05:00
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