14.06.2024 Demografie, revue pro výzkum populačního vývoje - č. 2/2024


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Anne Herm – Allan Puur – Michel Poulain
Living Arrangements as an Indicator of the Integration of Older Ethnic Russian Immigrants in Estonia Odkaz [nové okno] Odkaz [nové okno] Abstract

Demografie, 66(2): 113–129

This study is about living arrangements of older ethnic Russians living in Estonia most of whom are long-term immigrants. Studies involving immigrant populations have suggested that the integration process would decrease their differences with the host population, including their living arrangement preferences. Our investigation shows that despite long-term residence in country, living arrangements’ pattern of ethnic Russians in Estonia is rather different from that of Estonians and that can be explained by low integration. The study is based on the microdata of the Estonian 2011 population and housing census and the 5% sample of the Russian 2010 census from the IPUMS database. In the first part of the analysis, we employ origin-destination perspective to comparing living arrangements of Russians in Estonia with Estonians and Russians in Russia. In the second part, we use binary logistic regression to study the association between living arrangements, migration background and integration to host society.

older persons, living arrangements, integration, immigrants, ethnic group, education, marital status, Estonia

Jitka Slabá – Barbora Janáková Kuprová
The Marital Fertility of Men and Women in Czechia before the First Demographic Transition and in the Current Population Odkaz [nové okno] Odkaz [nové okno] Abstract

Demografie, 66(2): 130–153

The aim of this study is to analyse the changes in the marital fertility of men and women in Czechia before the first demographic transition (data obtained by excerpting the parish registers of Škvorec manor in the years 1760–1839) and in the current population (data from the Czech GGS II based on interviews between 2020 and 2022) using a unified methodology. The results confirm previous findings on historical and modern marital fertility – determining the overall intensity of marital fertility by the duration of marriage in the historical population, the decrease in marital fertility by the decrease in the number of higher-order births in the modern population, etc. The results show that the timing of the first childbirth in marriage is similar in both (the historical and the modern) populations. Historical marriages with the same number of children have a much shorter reproductive window than modern marriages, with no differences at the beginning of the reproductive period, but with differences especially at the end. The timing of reproduction (median age at birth of the first child) does not differ for first marriage in modern and historical populations. In the historical population, women’s fertility was limited at a lower age than men’s fertility. In the modern population, the intensity of fertility by sex does not differ. In both populations the median duration of the reproductive window does not differ according to either sex or marriage order.

marital fertility, first and second demographic transition, female and male fertility

Filip Čábela – Luděk Šídlo
Demografické stárnutí v Česku mezi lety 2012–2022 prostřednictvím vybraných retrospektivních a prospektivních ukazatelů Odkaz [nové okno] Odkaz [nové okno] Abstract

Demografie, 66(2): 154–165

Demographic ageing is considered a significant phenomenon and one of the most important population issues of the 21st century. It is a process that has no parallel in human history but is completely natural. The ageing of the population itself is a consequence of the changing quality of life, a new approach to lifestyle, and improvements in the health status of the population, all of which lead to improvements in the level of mortality, especially at old age. The concept of prospective age is not based on the number of years that a given person has already lived, but on the number of years that people probably have left to live. This paper presents the concept of prospective age and the development of prospective indicators using the example of Czechia between 2012 and 2022, focusing on a comparison of retrospective indicators with prospective ones. The paper also reveals the effect of the Covid-19 pandemic on demographic ageing indicators.

demographic ageing, prospective age, retrospective and prospective indicators, Covid-19, Czechia

Hana Konečná
Plodnost. Cesta k mateřství PDF
Roman Kurkin
Fakta a trendy v současné české společnosti PDF

53. konference České demografické společnosti PDF
Zpráva o rodině 2023 PDF
  • rok 2024 | č. 2/2024 | č. 1/2024
  • rok 2023 | č. 4/2023 | č. 3/2023 | č. 2/2023 | č. 1/2023
  • rok 2022 | č. 4/2022 | č. 3/2022 | č. 2/2022 | č. 1/2022
  • rok 2021 | č. 4/2021 | č. 3/2021 | č. 2/2021 | č. 1/2021
  • rok 2020 | č. 4/2020 | č. 3/2020 | č. 2/2020 | č. 1/2020
  • rok 2019 | č. 4/2019 | č. 3/2019 | č. 2/2019 | č. 1/2019
  • rok 2018 | č. 4/2018 | č. 3/2018 | č. 2/2018 | č.1/2018
  • rok 2017 | č. 4/2017 | č. 3/2017 | č. 2/2017 | č. 1/2017
  • rok 2016 | č. 4/2016 | č. 3/2016 | č. 2/2016 | č. 1/2016
  • rok 2015 | č. 4/2015 | č. 3/2015 | č. 2/2015 | č. 1/2015
  • rok 2014 | č. 4/2014 | č. 3/2014 | č. 2/2014 | č. 1/2014
  • rok 2013 | č. 4/2013 | č. 3/2013 | č. 2/2013 | č. 1/2013
  • rok 2012 | č. 4/2012 | č. 3/2012 | č. 2/2012 | č. 1/2012
  • rok 2011 | č. 4/2011 | č. 3/2011 | č. 2/2011 | č. 1/2011
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