Total Retail Sales of Consumer Goods in May 2024

Total Retail Sales of Consumer Goods in May 2024

2024-06-18 10:00 Print| Large| Medium| Small

In May, the total retail sales of consumer goods reached 3,921.1 billion yuan, up by 3.7 percent year on year, of which the retail sales of consumer goods other than automobiles reached 3,533.6 billion yuan, up by 4.7 percent.

From January to May, the total retail sales of consumer goods reached 19,523.7 billion yuan, up by 4.1 percent year on year, of which the retail sales of consumer goods other than automobiles reached 17,670.7 billion yuan, up by 4.4 percent.

According to the location of business units, the retail sales of consumer goods in urban areas in May were 3,411.1 billion yuan, up by 3.7 percent year on year; the retail sales of consumer goods in rural areas reached 510.0 billion yuan, up by 4.1 percent. From January to May, the retail sales of consumer goods in urban areas were 16,941.8 billion yuan, up by 4.0 percent; the retail sales of consumer goods in rural areas reached 2,581.9 billion yuan, up by 4.7 percent.

According to consumption patterns, in May, the retail sales of goods reached 3,493.7 billion yuan, up by 3.6 percent year on year; the income of catering industry was 427.4 billion yuan, up by 5.0 percent. From January to May, the retail sales of goods reached 17,360.3 billion yuan, up by 3.5 percent; the income of catering industry was 2,163.4 billion yuan, up by 8.4 percent.

According to the retail formats, from January to May, the retail sales of specialty store, convenience store and supermarket in retail enterprises above the designated size increased by 5.1, 4.9 and 1.8 percent respectively year on year, and the retail sales of department store and brand exclusive store decreased by 3.2 and 1.0 percent respectively.

From January to May, the online retail sales nationwide reached 5,766.9 billion yuan, up by 12.4 percent year on year, of which the online retail sales of physical goods reached 4,828.0 billion yuan, up by 11.5 percent, accounting for 24.7 percent of the total retail sales of consumer goods; among the online retail sales of physical goods, food, clothing and consumer goods increased by 19.6, 9.0 and 10.8 percent respectively.

Total Retail Sales of Consumer Goods in May 2024

Item May Jan-May

Absolute Value

(100 million yuan)

Growth rate Y/Y (%)

Absolute Value

(100 million yuan)

Growth rate Y/Y (%)
Total retail sales of consumer goods 39211 3.7 195237 4.1
Of which: Retail sales of the enterprises (units) excluding automobiles 35336 4.7 176707 4.4
Of which: Retail sales of the enterprises (units) above the designated size 14988 3.4 73858 4.0
Of which: Online retail sales of physical goods - - 48280 11.5
Grouped by different areas
Urban 34111 3.7 169418 4.0
Rural 5100 4.1 25819 4.7
Grouped by consumption patterns
Income of catering industry 4274 5.0 21634 8.4
Of which: Income of catering industry by enterprises (units) above the designated size 1215 2.5 5858 5.9
Retail sales of goods 34937 3.6 173603 3.5
Of which: Income of retail sales of goods by enterprises (units) above the designated size 13773 3.5 68000 3.9
Grain, oil and food 1615 9.3 8499 9.3
Beverage 256 6.5 1260 6.5
Tobacco and liquor 422 7.7 2550 11.0
Clothes, shoes, hats and textiles 1148 4.4 5856 2.0
Cosmetics 406 18.7 1763 5.4
Gold, silver and jewelry 240 -11.0 1458 0.9
Daily necessities 669 7.7 3197 2.7
Sports & recreational articles 118 20.2 525 15.2
Household appliances and audio-video equipment 743 12.9 3421 7.0
Traditional Chinese and western medicines 577 4.3 2914 4.4
Cultural and office appliances 294 4.3 1422 -5.0
Furniture 123 4.8 570 3.0
Telecommunication equipment 610 16.6 2856 13.9
Petroleum and petroleum products 2009 5.1 9937 4.0
Motor vehicles 3875 -4.4 18530 0.2
Building and decoration materials 124 -4.5 631 -0.4


1. The data in this table is the nominal growth rate without deducting price factors.

2. Due to the rounding-off reasons, the subentries may not add up to the aggregate totals in this table.


1. Explanatory Notes

Total Retail Sales of Consumer Goods: refer to the amount of physical goods sold by enterprises (units and individual households) to individuals and social groups for non-production and non-business purposes through transactions, as well as the amount of income obtained from providing catering services.

Online Retail Sales: refer to the sales of goods and services got through public online trading platform (including self-built websites and third-party platform). Goods and services include physical goods and non-physical goods (such as virtual product, services).

The total retail sales of consumer goods include online retail sales of physical goods, excludes online retail sales of non-physical goods.

2. Statistical Coverage

Legal person enterprises, industrial activity units and self-employed households engaged in goods retail activities or providing catering services. Among them, units above the designated size refer to wholesale enterprises (units and individuals) with annual main business income of 20 million yuan and above, retail enterprises (units and individuals) with annual main business income of 5 million yuan and above, and enterprises (units and individuals) engaged in hotels and catering services with annual main business income of 2 million yuan and above.

3. Survey Methods

All enterprises above the designated size are surveyed, while the data of enterprises below the designated size are collected by sampling survey.

4. Scope of statistics

As the scope of wholesale and retail enterprises, hotels and catering enterprises (units and individual households) above the designated size changes every year, in order to ensure that the data of the current year are comparable with that of the previous year, the same period data used to calculate the year-on-year growth rate of various indicators such as retail sales of consumer goods of units above the designated size is consistent with the statistical scope of enterprises (units and individual households) in the current period, and there is a different data access standard between the data published in the current year and the previous year. This is mainly due to the fact that there are some enterprises (units and individual households) to be included in the survey after having reached the requisite size every year, and some (units and individual households) that fail to meet the quota standards due to their smaller scale to be removed from the survey, and there are also the effects of enterprises (units and individual households) that are newly established, bankrupt and enterprises with their business licenses cancelled (revoked).

As the scope of online platforms included in the online retail sales statistics changes every year, in order to ensure that the data of the current year are comparable with that of the previous year, the data of the same period adopted for calculating the year-on-year growth rate of online retail sales is consistent with the scope of the platforms under statistics in the current period, and there is a different data access standard between the data published in the current year and the previous year. This is mainly due to the fact that there are new platforms to be included in the survey scope every year, and also platforms that do not meet the requirements of the statistical system to be removed from the survey scope.

5. Month-on-Month Figure Revision

According to the auto-revision function of the seasonal adjustment model, the month-on-month growth rate of the total retail sales of consumer goods since May 2023 was revised. The revised results and the month-on-month data of May 2024 are as follows:

Months Growth Rate (%)
2023-May 0.15
June 0.01
July -0.03
August 0.78
September 0.44
October 0.62
November 0.13
December 0.35
2024-January 0.14
February 0.10
March 0.39
April 0.06
May 0.51

Zařazenoút 18.06.2024 12:06:00
ZdrojStatistics of China

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