01. 07. 2024 Employment and Unemployment as Measured by the Labour Force Survey - quarterly data - 1. quarter of 2024

Product Code: 250129-24

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  • Introduction
  • I. Basic methodological approaches
  • II. Notes on methodology

A. Economic activity status
B. Employment
C. Unemployment
D. Relative indicators
E. Other indicators
F. Comparability with the results disseminated by Eurostat

  • III. Technical notes

A. Estimates of confidence intervals
B. Use of Annex tables
C. Sources and classifications used
D. Characteristics of classifications and nomenclatures
E. List of tables
F. Other notes
G. Availability of the publication

I. Population characteristics of the Czech republic

  • Graph 1   Economic activity status of population and labour force trends
  • 101 / 3   Population of the Czech Republic: by age group
  • 102 / 3   Population of the Czech Republic: by educational attainment
  • 103 / 3   Population aged 15 and over: by economic activity status - total
  • 103 / 3   Population aged 15 and over: by economic activity status - men
  • 103 / 3   Population aged 15 and over: by economic activity status - women
  • 104 / 1   Level of formal education and participation in non-formal education in the age group 15-64 - total
  • 105 / 2   Age and education level of population: by economic activity status and Area - total
  • 105 / 2   Age and education level of population: by economic activity status and Area - men
  • 105 / 2   Age and education level of population: by economic activity status and Area - women
  • 106 / 3   The age structure of the economic inactivity

II. Employment in the national economy

  • Graph 2   Employment trends in national economy
  • 201 / 3   Employment in national economy: by Region – part 1 – total
  • 202 / 3   Employment in national economy: by Region – part 2 - total
  • 202 / 3   Employment in national economy: by Region – part 2 - men
  • 202 / 3   Employment in national economy: by Region – part 2 - women
  • 203 / 3   Employment in national economy: by Region – part 3
  • 204 / 1   Employment in national economy by age group - total
  • 204 / 1   Employment in national economy by age group - men
  • 204 / 1   Employment in national economy by age group - women
  • 205 / 2   Employment in national economy: by Area - total
  • 205 / 2   Employment in national economy: by Area - men
  • 205 / 2   Employment in national economy: by Area - women
  • 206 / 1  Employment in national economy: by educational attainment
  • 207 / 1  Employment: by status in employment, classification of occupations and educational attainment
  • 208 / 1  Employment: by status in employment and CZ-NACE section
  • 209 / 1  Classification of occupations: by CZ-NACE activity
  • 210 / 1  First job holders: by selected CZ-NACE section and division
  • 211 / 1  Employment in national economy: by status in employment, type of contract and job duration and underemployment
  • 212 / 1  Employment by age: time-limited work contract - total
  • 212 / 1  Employment by age: time-limited work contract- men
  • 212 / 1  Employment by age: time-limited work contract - women

III. Working hours

  • 301 / 3   Hours usually and actually worked in the week: by Region
  • 302 / 1   Hours worked: by CZ-NACE activity, part-time and full-time job
  • 303 / 2   Hours actually worked: by status in employment and Area
  • 304 / 1   Hours actually worked: by status in employment and age group
  • 305 / 1   Employment by age: part-time jobs
  • 306 / 2  Work activity: by Area

IV. Unemployment

  • Graph 3  Unemployment trends
  • 401 / 3   Unemployed persons: by age, education and specific groups
  • 402 / 1   Unemployed persons: by education and age group
  • 403 / 1   Last CZ-NACE activity and occupation of unemployed persons: by educational attainment
  • 404 / 1   Reason for termination of the last job and methods of job search: by educational attainment
  • 405 / 2   Unemployment: by Area of the Czech Republic
  • 406 / 1   Long-term unemployment: by educational attainment
  • 407 / 3   Long-term unemployment: by Region of the Czech Republic

V. Times series of basic indicators

  • 501 / 1  First job - part 1 - total
  • 501 / 1  First job - part 1 - men
  • 501 / 1  First job - part 1 - women
  • 502 / 1  First job - part 2 - total
  • 502 / 1  First job - part 2 - men
  • 502 / 1  First job - part 2 - women
  • 503 / 1   Second job - part 1
  • 504 / 1   Second job - part 2 - total
  • 504 / 1   Second job - part 2 - men
  • 504 / 1   Second job - part 2 - women
  • 505 / 1  Unemployment - part 1 - total
  • 505 / 1  Unemployment - part 1 - men
  • 505 / 1  Unemployment - part 1 - women
  • 506 / 1   Unemployment - part 2
  • 507 / 1   Unemployment rate - total
  • 507 / 1   Unemployment rate - men
  • 507 / 1   Unemployment rate - women
  • 508 / 1   Participation rate - total
  • 508 / 1   Participation rate - men
  • 508 / 1   Participation rate - women
  • 509 / 1   Employment rate - total
  • 509 / 1   Employment rate - men
  • 509 / 1   Employment rate - women


  • Ia Estimates of 95% confidence interval of basic estimate for population aged 15 and over
  • Ib Estimates of 95% confidence interval of basic estimates for population aged 15 and over, by gender
  • IIa Estimates of 95% confidence interval of partial estimates for population aged 15 and over, at national level
  • IIb Estimates of 95% confidence interval of partial estimates for population aged 15 and over, at national level, by gender
  • III Relative sample sizes in Regions, Areas and the Czech Republic



  • 1. quarter of 2024


  • 1. quarter of 2023
  • 2. quarter of 2023
  • 1. quarter of 2023 (according to the new weighting methodology)
  • 3. quarter of 2023
  • 4. quarter of 2023


  • 1. quarter of 2022
  • 2. quarter of 2022
  • 3. quarter of 2022
  • 4. quarter of 2022


  • 1. quarter of 2021
  • 2. quarter of 2021
  • 3. quarter of 2021
  • 4. quarter of 2021


  • 1st quarter of 2020
  • 2nd quarter of 2020
  • 3rd quarter of 2020
  • 4th quarter of 2020


  • 1. quarter of 2019
  • 2. quarter of 2019
  • 3. quarter of 2019
  • 4. quarter of 2019


  • 1. quarter of 2018
  • 2. quarter of 2018
  • 3. quarter of 2018
  • 4. quarter of 2018


  • 1st quarter of 2017
  • 2nd quarter of 2017
  • 3rd quarter of 2017
  • 4th quarter of 2017


  • 1. quarter of 2016
  • 2. quarter of 2016
  • 3. quarter of 2016
  • 4. quarter of 2016


  • 1. quarter of 2015
  • 2. quarter of 2015
  • 3. quarter of 2015
  • 4. quarter of 2015


  • 1 quarter 2014
  • 2 quarter 2014
  • 3 quarter 2014
  • 4 quarter 2014


  • 1st quarter of 2013
  • 2nd quarter of 2013
  • 3rd quarter of 2013
  • 4th quarter of 2013


  • 4th quarter of 2012
  • 1st quarter of 2012
  • 2nd quarter of 2012
  • 3rd quarter of 2012


  • 1st quarter of 2011
  • 2nd quarter of 2011
  • 3rd quarter of 2011
  • 4th quarter of 2011

Zařazenopo 01.07.2024 00:07:00
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