04. 07. 2024 Harvest Estimates - June 2024

Poorer harvest of both basic cereals and rape is expected

Product Code: 270150-24

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4. 7. 2024

Based on the first estimates of this year’s harvest as at 10 June, it is expected that the production of basic cereals will be 6 822 thous. tonnes and the production of rape 1 045 thous. tonnes. Compared to the last year’s harvest, the production of basic cereals is expected to be by 657 thous. tonnes lower (-8.8%) and the production of rape by 264 thous. tonnes lower ( -20.2%).

“Based on the June crop condition, farmers estimate that this year’s harvest (production) will be below the level of the previous five years, in which over 7 million tonnes of basic cereals were harvested. Besides a lower per hectare yield, the reason is the lowest growing area since the beginning of monitoring over 100 years ago. However, Czechia is long-term fully self-sufficient in production of basic cereals and approximately a third of the production is exported,” Renata Vodičková, Head of the Agricultural and Forestry Statistics Unit of the Czech Statistical Office (CZSO), says.

The production of basic cereals (excluding grain maize) is estimated in an amount of 6 822 thousand tonnes, which is by 657 thousand tonnes lower (-8.8 %) compared to the last year’s above-average production. The size of the sown areas decreased by 34 thousand hectares to 1 215 thous. ha ( - 2.7%) and t he estimated per hectare yield of 5.62 tonnes per hectare is also lower ( - 6.2%).

The largest share in the estimated decrease of the harvest of basic cereals belongs to winter common wheat that is to be harvested in the amount of 4 499 thous. tonnes, by 608 thous. tonnes less, y-o-y ( - 11 .9 %). The estimated harvest of the following is also lower: the winter barley in the amount of 683 thous. tonnes (-16.0%), the spring common wheat , production of which is expected to be 114 thous. tonnes ( - 16.5%), and the rye in the amount of 117 thous. tonnes (-6.4%). An important year-on-year increase in production is expected in oats ; according to the estimate, 188 thous. tonnes (+58.2%) will be harvested. A higher production is also expected as for the spring barley ( 980 thous. tonnes; +3.1%) and triticale (215 thous. tonnes; +2.8%).

The expected harvest (production) of rape in the amount of 1 045 thous. tonnes is by 264 thous. tonnes lower, year-on-year (-20.2%). It is due to a lower per hectare yield of 3.04 tonnes per hectare ( - 11.7%) as well as due to a decrease in the sown area to 343 thous. ha ( - 9.6%).

“Rape is not successful this year. Compared to the previous year, the harvest (production) will probably be by a fifth lower this year and it will not even reach a five-year average. It is due to a lower expected per hectare yield, but also due to a considerable decrease in its sown area,” Dagmar Lhotská from the Agricultural and Forestry Statistics Unit of the CZSO stated.

More detailed information on harvest estimates and sown areas can be found in the supplementary information to the news release on harvest estimates – June.

  • askl070424.docx


Harvest estimates are given in the standard humidity content and purity.
Responsible head at the CZSO: Radek Matějka, Director of the Agricultural and Forestry, Industrial, Construction, and Energy Statistics Department, phone number (+420) 736 168 543, e-mail: radek.matejka@csu.gov.cz
Contact person: Renata Vodičková, Head of the Agricultural and Forestry Statistics Unit, phone number (+420) 703 824 173, e-mail: renata.vodickova@csu.gov.cz
Data source: Statistical survey of Harvest Estimates of Crops (Zem V6) and questionnaire on Sown Areas (Osev 3-01);
administrative data source: Integrated Administration and Control System – Single application (Declaration of Crops, Declaration of All Agricultural Land)
End of data collection: 11 June 2024
End of data processing: 3 July 2024
Related publications: Harvest Estimates – Operative Report as at 10 June 2024: https://csu.gov.cz/produkty/harvest-estimates-operative-report-as-at-10-june-2024
Areas under Crops Survey – as at 31 May 2024: https://csu.gov.cz/produkty/areas-under-crops-survey-as-at-31-may-2024
Update procedure: Harvest estimates – July 2024; to be published on 9 August 2024


  • Additional information to NR Harvest estimates
  • Table 1 Yield and production estimates (selected crops, in tonnes per hectare and tonnes, indices)
  • Table 2 Production estimates of selected crops, comparison with a five-year and a ten-year average



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Zařazenočt 04.07.2024 00:07:00
ZdrojCZSO News Release

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