Commission designates adult content platform XNXX as Very Large Online Platform under the Digital Services Act

Today, the Commission has formally designated XNXX as a Very Large Online Platform (VLOP) under the Digital Services Act (DSA).

DSA logo

XNXX is an adult content platform with an average of more than 45 million monthly users in the European Union. This user number, which XNXX has communicated to the Commission, is above the DSA threshold for designation as a VLOP. Following today's designation as a VLOP, XNXX will have to comply with the most stringent rules under the DSA within four months of its notification (i.e. by mid-November 2024). Such obligations include adopting specific measures to empower and protect users online, to prevent minors from accessing pornographic content online, including with age-verification tools, to provide access to publicly available data to researchers, and to publish a repository of ads.

Find more information in our press release more information about:

  • Commission's supervision of designated VLOPs under DSA.
  • The Digital Services Act package
  • DSA: Making the online world safer

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Online platforms and e-commerce Digital Services Act Package

Zařazenost 10.07.2024 04:07:00
ZdrojEC Digital strategy

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