Remarks by Commissioner VÁRHELYI at the joint press conference with HR/VP Josep BORRELL and Ayman SAFADI, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Jordan at the EU-Jordan Association Council in Brussels

Remarks by Commissioner VÁRHELYI

Thank you very much!

I think what you have heard only confirms the significance of our enduring bond that we have between Jordan and the European Union. I think I speak on behalf of both of us when I say that we very much appreciate the unwavering corporation during these times that we are all going through. This has been instrumental in our shared efforts and this should also be the testament to the strength of our partnership, but also our commitment to long term peace, security, stability and may I add, prosperity of the wider region.

Today's Association Council has been an occasion for the EU to reconfirm its strong commitment to continue to support Jordan with substantial assistance in line with its triple reform and modernisation plans.

We are re conscious of the very specific Jordanian political, economic and social challenges. It was for that reason that we have made a proposal to the Council and the European Parliament for EUR 500 million of Macro-Financial-Assistance. We touched on that as well and we are now waiting for the Council and the European Parliament to proceed with this macro financial assistance as a matter of priority.

Furthermore, we also touched upon the follow up to the 8th Brussels Conference on 'Supporting the future of Syria and the region' in late May, where we have reaffirmed our commitment to continue to support Jordan in its effort in hosting Syrian refugee communities and also to address the socio-economic repercussions of this. We also pledged to maintain the same level of financial commitment. The EU has been delivering and will continue to deliver this financial assistance to Jordan.

We are also working on, as the High Representative, but also the Deputy Prime Minister has pointed out, we are working on developing a more structured approach to support safe, voluntary and dignified returns of Syrians in cooperation with the UNHCR back to Syria. This is something that we have all committed to work on and we will take this forward rapidly.

This year we have also inaugurated a new important strand of our cooperation with Jordan; the first “EU-Jordan Business Forum”, which just took place in June in Amman. This was already a success because it has showed the potential in increasing the economic ties, but also should serve as a vehicle for private investments flowing into Jordan from the EU. Because with this, we want to promote together the green and digital industries, a new economy emerging in Jordan and also increase the trade opportunities both for Jordanian and for companies from the European Union.

The other major instrument that we have in place, which was a novelty at the beginning of this mandate, but by now I think it has proven its value, is the Economic and Investment Plan. Through the Economic and Investment Plan, which we have designed together in partnership with Jordan, we have mobilised already EUR 4.5 billion of investments flowing directly into the economy of Jordan, focusing on the most important sectors like water management, a new programme for energy efficiency and promoting bio gas production.

In this context, I am very proud to recall the support we are providing for the Aqaba-Amman Water Desalination Conveyor. I hope that this initiative will succeed even before the end of our term so that we can see this kicking into action. I am sure that this this investment alone will have a major transformation power, not only in terms of the economy, but also in terms of the livelihoods of the people of Jordan.

In conclusion, I just want to echo that we have always considered Jordan to be stabilising force in the region. Therefore, it is extremely important for us in the European Union that we politically and economically meet this quality of partnership Jordan means for the European Union. This is why I think that we need to start to think of how to increase our cooperation and this is something that we have also touched upon.

I also want to thank Deputy Prime Minister Safadi, Ayman, if you allow me, because we have been working very closely in the last five years and I have learned a lot from you when it comes to the region. I also learned from you directly about the key challenges not only by Jordan, but the general picture of the whole region.

I think I also want to thank you for always clearly standing your grounds, but also having a very deep understanding of our challenges. This is why I think instruments like the Economic and Investment Plan was a success. This is why I think we could be now much more relevant than before because we are targeting the areas where Europe can contribute even more to long term stability, security and prosperity of Jordan.

Thank you.

Zařazenopo 15.07.2024 17:07:00
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