Daily News 16 / 07 / 2024

Daily News 16 / 07 / 2024

Sweden officially joins the European Public Prosecutor's Office

Today, the Commission adopted the decision confirming Sweden's participation in the European Public Prosecutor's Office (EPPO). This means that Sweden will officially join as of tomorrow. The EPPO will be able to start its operations and investigations in Sweden 20 days after the appointment of the European Prosecutor from Sweden by the Council, which is expected to take place in the Autumn.

Vice-President for Values and Transparency, Věra Jourová, said: “Every time that a Member State joins our efforts under the European Public Prosecutor's Office brings us a step closer to our shared goal: making sure that no euro is lost on criminals. It is in everyone's interest to ensure that the EU budget is bulletproof against fraud and corruption, and it is only through working together that we can tackle a borderless challenge. We encourage those who have not yet joined the framework to do so as soon as possible”

Commissioner for Justice, Didier Reynders, said: “I welcome today's decision confirming Sweden's participation in the European Public Prosecutor's Office. After Poland's accession, this is yet another important development, for the Prosecutor and the Union as a whole. With 24 Member States participating in the enhanced cooperation, the Prosecutor's role as the main actor in the fight against fraud affecting the Union budget will be further enhanced and EU taxpayers' money better protected.”

Sweden had formally notified the Commission of its intention to join the European Public Prosecutor's Office on 5 June 2024. Following today's decision, the next steps to prepare for the operational start of the EPPO in Sweden will take place. By the end of 2024, the European Public Prosecutor's Office will be able to investigate and prosecute fraud affecting the Union funds in nearly 24 EU countries. This will further strengthen its role as the Union prosecutor and, in turn, the protection of the Union budget.

(For more information: Christian Wigand — Tel.: + 32 2 296 22 53; Cristina Torres Castillo — Tel.: + 32 2 299 06 79; Jördis Ferroli – Tel.: +32 2 299 27 29)

Commission endorses positive preliminary assessment of the Netherlands' first payment request for €1.3 billion under the Recovery and Resilience Facility

Yesterday, The Commission has endorsed yesterday a positive preliminary assessment of the Netherlands' first payment request for €1.3 billion under the Recovery and Resilience Facility, the centrepiece of NextGenerationEU.

The Commission has preliminarily concluded that the Netherlands has satisfactorily completed the 25 milestones and 5 targets set out in the Council Implementing Decision for the first instalment, including the first milestone of the Netherlands' REPowerEU chapter.

Sixteen reforms and eight investments will drive positive change for citizens and businesses in the Netherlands in the areas of the green transition, digitalisation, as well as the labour market. The payment request covers important reforms relating to the pension system, environmental taxation, the housing market, self-employment, digital transformation of the central government, aggressive tax planning and the electricity grid code. The payment request also includes a set of investments in the areas of training and career advice for individuals in the Dutch labour market, rail traffic management, research and development of quantum technologies, digital equipment for students and e-health care for people living at home.

The Commission has now sent its preliminary assessment of the Netherlands´ fulfilment of the milestones and targets required for this payment to the Economic and Financial Committee (EFC), which has four weeks to deliver its opinion.

The Netherlands' recovery and resilience plan includes a wide range of investment and reform measures (more information on the Netherlands plan, including a map of projects financed by the Recovery and Resilience Facility in the Netherlands are available here). The plan will be financed by €5.4 billion in grants.

A press release is available online.

(For more information: Veerle Nuyts – Tel.: +32 229 96302; Quentin Cortès — Tel.: + 32 229 32 83)

EU mobilises aid to combat wildfires in North Macedonia and Bulgaria

In response to urgent requests for assistance in their fight against severe wildfires received from North Macedonia and Bulgaria, the EU Civil Protection Mechanism has been activated.

North Macedonia is receiving one helicopter from Serbia, two helicopters from Slovenia, two aircrafts and one helicopter from Türkiye, and one aircraft from the rescEU firefighting fleet from Croatia.

Bulgaria is also receiving two helicopters from Czechia, one of them from the rescEU firefighting fleet.

Commissioner for Crisis Management, Janez Lenarčič, emphasised the importance of solidarity in these efforts: “The EU stands united in its support. Our rapid response through the EU Civil Protection Mechanism is crucial in aiding local efforts against these devastating wildfires. We remain ready to provide additional support if needed. Wildfires know no borders, and neither does our commitment to help.”

The EU's Emergency Response Coordination Centre continues to closely monitor the situation, ensuring that further assistance can be swiftly deployed if required.

The Commission has put together a fleet of aircraft and pre-positioned firefighters this summer across Europe. 556 firefighters from 12 countries are strategically prepositioned across key locations in Europe this summer, such as France, Greece, Portugal, and Spain, ready to help local fire brigades. The EU has assembled a dedicated rescEU fleet of firefighting aircraft for this summer, consisting of 28 airplanes and 4 helicopters stationed in 10 Member States.

(For more information: Balazs Ujvari - Tel.: +32 2 295 45 78; Jennifer Sanchez Da Silva - Tel : +32 229 58316)

La Commission approuve une nouvelle Spécialité Traditionnelle Garantie de Roumanie : ‘Sardelu?ă marinată'

La Commission a approuvé l'addition de la Spécialité Traditionnelle Garantie (STG)Sardelu?ă marinată', de Roumanie.

La «Sardelu?a marinată» est obtenue en faisant mariner du sprat, ce qui donne trois variétés différentes en fonction de la marinade utilisée, puis en l'enrobant de garniture choisie. En ajoutant de la sauce au vin, de l'huile de tournesol ou de l'huile de tournesol au piment au sprat mariné et en l'aromatisant avec différents ingrédients, le produit acquière des goûts distincts, avec des qualités organoleptiques spécifiques.

Les ingrédients suivants sont traditionnellement utilisés pour mariner le poisson: sel non iodé, vinaigre de vin, vin blanc, sucre, huile de tournesol, poudre de paprika doux, piment, grains de poivre noir, feuilles de laurier, piment, poivre entier et graines de coriandre.

Le nom du produit indique la spécificité de la matière première – le sprat étêté et éviscéré – et la méthode de préparation (marinage).

Cette nouvelle appellation va rejoindre la liste des 3617 produits déjà protégés, disponible dans la database eAmbrosia. Pour plus d'informations, voir aussi les pages sur la politique de qualité et GIView.

(Pour plus d'informations : Olof Gill – Tél. : +32 2 296 59 66 ; Thérèse Lerebours – Tél. : +32 2 296 33 03)

La Commission autorise l'acquisition d'Uriach et Ineldea par ICG et Holding Uriach

La Commission européenne a approuvé, en vertu du règlement européen sur les concentrations, l'acquisition du contrôle conjoint de Grupo J. Uriach, S.L.U. (« Uriach »), basée en Espagne, et PAM Invest-Ineldea Santé SAS (« Ineldea »), basée en France, par Intermediate Capital Group plc (« ICG »), basée au Royaume-Uni, et Corporación J. Uriach, S.A. (« Holding Uriach »), basée en Espagne.

La transaction concerne principalement les produits de santé grand public, y compris les produits pharmaceutiques à dose finie en vente libre, les compléments alimentaires naturels et les cosmétiques.

La Commission a conclu que la concentration envisagée ne soulèverait pas de problème de concurrence, compte tenu de son impact limité sur la concurrence sur les marchés où les entreprises sont actives. La transaction notifiée a été examinée dans le cadre de la procédure normale du contrôle des concentrations.

De plus amples informations sont disponibles sur le site internet concurrence de la Commission, dans le registre public des affaires sous le numéro d'affaire M.11532.

(Pour plus d'informations: Lea Zuber – Tél.: +32 2 295 62 98; Sara Simonini - Tél.: +32 2 298 33 67)

Commission clears acquisition of Panasonic Automotive Systems by Apollo Management

The European Commission has approved, under the EU Merger Regulation, the acquisition of sole control of Panasonic Automotive Systems Co., Ltd. of Japan by Apollo Management, L.P. of the US.

The transaction relates primarily to the production and sale of automotive solutions.

The Commission concluded that the notified transaction would not raise competition concerns, given that the companies are not active in the same or vertically related markets. The notified transaction was examined under the simplified merger review procedure.

More information is available on the Commission's competition website, in the public case register under the case number M.11610.

(For more information: Lea Zuber – Tel.: +32 2 295 62 98; Sara Simonini - Tel.: +32 2 298 33 67)


Le vice-président Schinas se rend en Libye pour participer au Forum transméditerranéen sur les migrations

Demain, le vice-président chargé de la Promotion de notre mode de vie européen, Margaritis Schinas, se rendra à Tripoli, en Libye, pour participer au Forum transméditerranéen sur les migrations.

Ce forum est organisé par le gouvernement libyen dans le but de discuter des efforts déployés pour s'attaquer aux causes profondes des migrations, de la lutte contre le trafic d'êtres humains, du retour et de l'évacuation des migrants des pays de transit, des systèmes de protection, de la gestion des frontières et de la promotion de la coopération entre les pays d'origine, de transit et de destination d'Afrique et d'Europe. Il réunit des représentants de 28 pays de la Méditerranée et de l'Afrique subsaharienne, ainsi que des représentants d'organisations internationales gouvernementales et non gouvernementales.

Le vice-président Schinas rencontrera le premier ministre libyen, Abdul Hamid Dbeibeh, et tiendra des consultations de haut niveau avec des membres du gouvernement libyen sur les migrations, le développement, la sécurité et les systèmes de protection, en particulier pour les femmes et les enfants.

La visite du vice-président souligne le soutien de l'UE dans la région et son engagement renouvelé auprès des autorités libyennes, conformément au pacte sur les migrations et l'asile qui définit une approche de la gestion des migrations « à l'échelle du gouvernement » et « à l'échelle du parcours », dans le plein respect des droits fondamentaux et des obligations internationales.

(Pour plus d'informations : Christian Wigand – Tél. : +32 2 296 22 53 ; Elettra Di Massa – Tél. : +32 2 298 21 61)

Liste des points prévus à l'ordre du jour des prochaines réunions de la Commission

Veuillez noter que ces informations sont données sous réserve de modifications.

Prochains événements de la Commission européenne

Eurostat: communiqués de presse

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