Bulletin on the National Summer Grain Output in 2024

Bulletin on the National Summer Grain Output in 2024

2024-07-13 09:30 Print| Large| Medium| Small

According to the survey conducted across 25 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) engaged in summer grain production nationwide, the sown area, yield per unit area and total output of summer grain in China for 2024 are as follows:

I. The total sown area of summer grain nationwide recorded 26,613 thousand hectares (399.20 million mu), an increase of 4.5 thousand hectares (68 thousand mu) compared to 2023, maintaining a stable trend. Among them, the sown area of wheat came in at 23,091 thousand hectares (346.36 million mu), an increase of 31.7 thousand hectares (475 thousand mu) or 0.1 percent compared to 2023.

II. The yield per unit area of summer grain nationwide recorded 5,628.0 kilograms per hectare (375.2 kilograms per mu), an increase of 135.4 kilograms per hectare (9.0 kilograms per mu) or 2.5 percent compared to 2023. Among them, the yield per unit area of wheat came in at 5,985.8 kilograms per hectare (399.1 kilograms per mu), an increase of 150.4 kilograms per hectare (10.0 kilograms per mu) or 2.6 percent compared to 2023.

III. The total output of summer grain nationwide recorded 149.78 million tons (299.6 billion jin), an increase of 3.627 million tons (7.25 billion jin) or 2.5 percent compared to 2023. Among them, the total output of wheat came in at 138.22 million tons (276.4 billion jin), an increase of 3.658 million tons (7.32 billion jin) or 2.7 percent compared to 2023.

National Bureau of Statistics of China

July 12, 2024

Output of Summer Grain by Region in 2024

Total Outputs

(10,000 tons)

Sown Areas

(1,000 hectares)

Yield per Unit Area


National total 14977.9 26613.1 5628.0
Beijing 16.1 28.5 5634.2
Tianjin 79.9 127.7 6261.3
Hebei 1513.0 2276.3 6646.5
Shanxi 248.2 527.9 4702.1
Inner Mongolia
Shanghai 15.9 23.5 6769.7
Jiangsu 1430.4 2492.1 5739.8
Zhejiang 87.8 218.2 4021.1
Anhui 1759.3 2876.8 6115.7
Fujian 25.1 56.4 4460.8
Jiangxi 26.1 84.2 3103.7
Shandong 2716.5 4024.2 6750.4
Henan 3785.7 5676.8 6668.7
Hubei 490.5 1312.4 3737.7
Hunan 45.8 113.9 4025.9
Guangdong 71.7 150.2 4772.0
Guangxi 29.9 122.6 2435.8
Hainan 10.4 24.5 4254.1
Chongqing 125.2 376.9 3321.0
Sichuan 465.1 1128.3 4121.7
Guizhou 239.3 793.9 3014.6
Yunnan 264.1 990.9 2665.0
Shaanxi 467.4 1067.1 4380.4
Gansu 346.2 873.9 3962.0
Ningxia 24.8 74.4 3331.5
Xinjiang 693.5 1171.6 5918.9


1. The wheat harvest in some areas of Gansu, Ningxia and Xinjiang has not yet been completed, so the data provided for these 3 provinces and regions are preliminary yield estimates and the actual yields shall be subject to the forthcoming China Rural Statistical Yearbook - 2024.

2. Since some data in this table are rounded off, there may be discrepancies between the totals and the sum of data of all provinces, regions and municipalities.

Explanation on the Yield Survey of Summer Grain

The yield data of summer grain released by the National Bureau of Statistics of China were derived from a sample survey treating a province as a population and conducted by main summer grain producing areas and a key-point survey focusing on non-main producing areas.

(I) Statistical Coverage

Summer grain include grains, beans and tubers harvested in summer. The grains harvested in summer mainly consist of wheat, barley, oat, buckwheat, and etc.; beans harvested in summer mainly consist of broad beans, peas, and etc.; and tubers harvested in summer mainly consist of potatoes and sweet potatoes.

(II) Scope of Survey

Based on the yield data of summer grain from 16 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) including Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Shanxi, Jiangsu, Anhui, Shandong, Henan, Hubei, Sichuan, Guizhou, Yunnan, Shaanxi, Gansu, Ningxia and Xinjiang, the survey teams of the National Bureau of Statistics of China organized sample surveys and surveys of the actual cutting of grain in more than 400 national survey counties (cities) selected so as to achieve the yield of summer grain.

The yield data of summer grain from 9 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) including Shanghai, Zhejiang, Fujian, Jiangxi, Hunan, Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan and Chongqing were estimated according to key-point surveys by relevant survey teams.

(III) Survey Sample

The sample survey for the yield of summer grain is composed of a sample survey for the sown area and a sample survey for the yield per unit area.

The sample survey for the area of summer grain was performed in national survey counties (cities). Nearly 4,000 sample villages were selected across China in total and 3 quadrat plots of about 60 mu were sampled for each sample village. In the survey season, all natural plots in and covered by such quadrat plots were surveyed and all relevant provincial-level survey teams estimated the provincial area of summer grain based on the basic survey data.

The sample survey for the yield per unit area of summer grain was performed in sampled survey plots of national survey counties (cities). Nearly 2,000 sample points and more than 8,000 sample plots were selected across China in total. In each plot, 3-5 quadrats of 10 square feet were selected as required and surveys of the actual cutting of grain were carried out in such quadrats, so as to estimate the provincial average yield per unit area of wheat.

(IV) Yield Prediction Method

The survey of the actual cutting of grain for wheat yield means that grass-root surveyors perform field estimation and sequencing of wheat planting plots according to the Statistical Reporting System for Agriculture, Forestry, Animal Husbandry and Fishery before the harvesting of wheat, and sample and mark a certain amount of survey plots. Then county-level survey team members or auxiliary surveyors start setting out and harvesting wheat in the season of harvest, and estimate the yield per plot unit area through threshing, drying, water and impurity measurement, weighing and other links. Provincial-level survey teams will calculate the provincial average yield per unit area according to the data of the selected plots.

The yield of summer grain equals the area times the yield per unit area concluded in the sample surveys.

(V) Others

Due to the late maturity of spring wheat in certain areas of Gansu, Ningxia and Xinjiang, the summer grain data of areas mentioned above are based on preliminary estimates.

Zařazenoso 13.07.2024 11:07:00
ZdrojStatistics of China

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