Bulletin on the Output of Early Rice in 2024

Bulletin on the Output of Early Rice in 2024

2024-08-24 15:00 Print| Large| Medium| Small

National Bureau of Statistics of China

August 23, 2024

According to the sampling survey of early rice, the sown area, yield per unit area and total output of early rice in China in 2024 are estimated as follows:

The total sown area of early rice came in at 4,754.8 thousand hectares (71,322 thousand mu), which increased by 21.7 thousand hectares (325 thousand mu) over last year, with an increase of 0.5 percent.

The yield per unit area of early rice stood at 5,925.4 kg/ha (395.0 kg/mu), decreased by 61.6 kg/ha (4.1 kg/mu) over last year, with a decrease of 1.0 percent.

The total output of early rice was 28,174 thousand tons (56.35 billion jin), decreased by 163 thousand tons (330 million jin) over last year, with a decrease of 0.6 percent.

Output of Early Rice in 2024

Sown Area

(thousand hectares)

Total Outputs

(10,000 tons)

Yield per Unit Area


National Total 4754.8 2817.4 5925.4
Inner Mongolia
Zhejiang 125.8 78.4 6230.2
Anhui 169.9 99.9 5882.4
Fujian 95.3 60.4 6334.1
Jiangxi 1206.8 676.7 5607.0
Hubei 128.1 78.0 6087.5
Hunan 1210.9 732.9 6052.5
Guangdong 869.7 527.7 6067.5
Guangxi 814.9 481.5 5908.7
Hainan 112.5 68.9 6124.1
Yunnan 20.9 13.1 6279.9


1. Provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) not listed has no early rice production.

2. Due to rounding-off, the national total is not equal to the total of provincial production.


Explanation on the Early Rice Output Survey

The data released by NBS on the early rice output, were estimated from the sample survey taking the province as the total population.

1. Survey Coverage

The early rice yield data is collected through sample surveys and on-site measurements conducted in over 200 selected counties (cities), which are organized by the Survey Organizations of NBS of China at the provincial level.

2. Survey Sample

The sample survey on early rice output consists of sown area sample survey and yield per unit area sample survey.

The sample survey on early rice sown areas is conducted in more than 3,000 sample land segments selected in national survey counties (cities). The early rice sown areas at province level is estimated based on the basic survey data.

The survey on yield per unit area of early rice is estimated by on-site measurement, which is conducted in the selected 20,000 small sample plots from almost 7,000 sample land segments selected from survey villages in national survey counties (cities).

3. Output Measurement Method

The on-site measurement refers to the investigators at the grassroots level, before harvesting, in accordance with System of Statistical Report for Agriculture, Forestry, Animal Husbandry and Fishery, stepping in the field and estimating the output of planting land plots one by one, and ranking them by output, then selecting a certain segment and marking them out. During harvesting period, investigators of the survey organizations at county level or assistant investigators will put sample and select sample on-site, and then estimate the yield per unit area through threshing, drying, water-checking, weighting and other steps on the selected land segments. The survey organizations at province level estimate the provincial (municipal) average yield per unit area based on the data from these selected land segments.

The outputs of early rice are multiplied by the sown areas from sample survey and the yield per unit area.

Zařazenoso 24.08.2024 05:08:00
ZdrojStatistics of China

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