Všechny zprávy - Aktuálně, Komise - Forecast

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15.05. 11:18 · Spring 2024 Economic Forecast: A gradual expansion amid high geopolitical risks Komise - Forecast
15.02. 11:43 · Winter 2024 Economic Forecast: A delayed rebound in growth amid faster easing of inflation Komise - Forecast
11.12.23 17:40 · About the economic forecasts (Information on the methodology and coverage of the economic fo..) Komise - Forecast
11.12.23 17:40 · Autumn 2015 economic forecast (The economic recovery in the euro area and the European Union..) Komise - Forecast
11.12.23 17:40 · Winter 2016 Economic Forecast (The European economy is now entering its fourth year of recov..) Komise - Forecast
11.12.23 17:40 · Spring 2016 Economic Forecast (Commission forecasts euro area growth of 1.6% and EU growth o..) Komise - Forecast
11.12.23 17:40 · Autumn 2016 Economic Forecast (Commission forecasts 2017 euro area growth of 1.5% and EU gro..) Komise - Forecast
11.12.23 17:40 · Winter 2017 Economic Forecast (Having proven resilient to global challenges last year, the E..) Komise - Forecast
11.12.23 17:40 · Spring 2017 Economic Forecast (Published on 11 May 2017 and covering the period to the end o..) Komise - Forecast
11.12.23 17:40 · Autumn 2017 Economic Forecast (The euro area economy is on track to grow at its fastest pace..) Komise - Forecast
11.12.23 17:40 · Winter 2018 Economic Forecast (Growth rates for the euro area and the EU beat expectations l..) Komise - Forecast
11.12.23 17:40 · Spring 2018 Economic Forecast: Expansion to continue, amid new risks Komise - Forecast
11.12.23 17:40 · Summer 2018 Interim Economic Forecast: Resilient growth amid increased uncertainty Komise - Forecast
11.12.23 17:39 · Autumn 2018 Economic Forecast: sustained but less dynamic growth amid high uncertainty Komise - Forecast
11.12.23 17:39 · Winter 2019 Economic Forecast: growth moderates amid global uncertainties Komise - Forecast
11.12.23 17:39 · Spring 2019 Economic Forecast: Growth continues at a more moderate pace Komise - Forecast
11.12.23 17:39 · Summer 2019 Economic Forecast: Growth clouded by external factors Komise - Forecast
11.12.23 17:39 · Autumn 2019 Economic Forecast: A challenging road ahead Komise - Forecast
11.12.23 17:39 · Winter 2020 Economic Forecast: Offsetting forces confirm subdued growth Komise - Forecast
11.12.23 17:39 · Spring 2020 Economic Forecast: A deep and uneven recession, an uncertain recovery Komise - Forecast
11.12.23 17:39 · Summer 2020 Economic Forecast: A deeper recession with wider divergences Komise - Forecast
11.12.23 17:39 · Autumn 2020 Economic Forecast (Economic activity in Europe suffered a severe shock in the fi..) Komise - Forecast
11.12.23 17:39 · Winter 2021 Economic Forecast: A challenging winter, but light at the end of the tunnel Komise - Forecast
11.12.23 17:39 · Spring 2021 Economic Forecast: Rolling up sleeves Komise - Forecast
11.12.23 17:39 · Summer 2021 Economic Forecast: Reopening fuels recovery Komise - Forecast
11.12.23 17:39 · Autumn 2021 Economic Forecast: From recovery to expansion, amid headwinds Komise - Forecast
11.12.23 17:38 · Winter 2022 Economic Forecast: Growth expected to regain traction after winter slowdown Komise - Forecast
11.12.23 17:38 · Spring 2022 Economic Forecast: Russian invasion tests EU economic resilience Komise - Forecast
11.12.23 17:38 · Summer 2022 Economic Forecast: Russia’s war worsens the outlook Komise - Forecast
11.12.23 17:38 · Autumn 2022 Economic Forecast: The EU economy at a turning point Komise - Forecast
11.12.23 17:38 · Winter 2023 Economic Forecast: EU Economy set to avoid recession, but headwinds persist Komise - Forecast
11.12.23 17:38 · Spring 2023 Economic Forecast: an improved outlook amid persistent challenges Komise - Forecast
11.12.23 17:38 · Summer 2023 Economic Forecast: Easing growth momentum amid declining inflation and robust labour market Komise - Forecast
11.12.23 17:38 · Autumn 2023 Economic Forecast: A modest recovery ahead after a challenging year Komise - Forecast
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