Všechny zprávy - Aktuálně, Komise - Reformy

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Stránka 2
12.07. 15:00 Guideline permit holders at work in the construction sector Komise - Reformy
12.07. 14:58 Technical Recommendations Komise - Reformy
12.07. 12:36 Final Report Komise - Reformy
11.07. 15:55 Final Report Komise - Reformy
10.07. 12:24 Delivering on Reforms Komise - Reformy
05.07. 12:18 Minutes for publication - EG Komise - Reformy
04.07. 09:52 Talent_hub_brief_ministries_policy_makers_final Komise - Reformy
04.07. 09:50 Talent_hub_brief_municipal_actors_icss_final Komise - Reformy
04.07. 09:44 Talent_hub_brief_businesses_final Komise - Reformy
03.07. 10:55 Final Report Komise - Reformy
02.07. 10:16 Final Report Komise - Reformy
01.07. 09:42 Online toolbox on Quality of Public Administration Komise - Reformy
01.07. 09:41 Hungarian Presidency Priorities of the Council and EUPAN Komise - Reformy
01.07. 09:40 Conclusions of the Belgian Presidency Komise - Reformy
01.07. 09:39 ComPAct monitoring mechanism – proposal Komise - Reformy
01.07. 09:34 Agenda - June PAG meeting Komise - Reformy
25.06. 10:52 SNE - REFORM.B3 - Policy officer, Energy Komise - Reformy
25.06. 09:35 Inter-regional meeting: Takeaways from ten regional visits Komise - Reformy
25.06. 09:32 Takeaways of the OECD mission to Portugal Centro region Komise - Reformy
25.06. 09:31 Takeaways of the OECD mission to Portugal Alentejo Komise - Reformy
24.06. 16:55 TSI_2025_prefilled_template_flagship_Natural_resources Komise - Reformy
24.06. 14:49 Privacy statement Meetings and events ComPAct Komise - Reformy
21.06. 16:21 Project Summary Komise - Reformy
21.06. 15:01 Takeaways of the OECD mission to Orebro Komise - Reformy
20.06. 14:48 Final Report Komise - Reformy
18.06. 12:01 TSI_2025_prefilled_template_flagship_Supporting_MS_Pact_Migration__Asylum REV Komise - Reformy
18.06. 12:01 TSI_2025_prefilled_template_flagship_Sustainability_report_framework Komise - Reformy
18.06. 12:00 TSI_2025_prefilled_template_flagship_Supervisory_Digital_Finance_Academy Komise - Reformy
18.06. 12:00 TSI_2025_prefilled_template_flagship_Single_Market Komise - Reformy
18.06. 11:59 TSI_2025_prefilled_template_flagship_Simplification_revenue_administration Komise - Reformy
18.06. 11:59 TSI_2025_prefilled_template_flagship_PACE Komise - Reformy
18.06. 11:58 TSI_2025_prefilled_template_flagship_EU_Health_Hub Komise - Reformy
18.06. 11:58 TSI_2025_prefilled_template_flagship_Innovative Public Financial Management Komise - Reformy
18.06. 11:57 TSI_2025_prefilled_template_flagship_Energy_systems Komise - Reformy
18.06. 11:57 TSI_2025_prefilled_template_flagship_ESTER Komise - Reformy
18.06. 11:56 TSI_2025_prefilled_template_flagship_ComPAct_PillarIII_Greening Komise - Reformy
18.06. 11:56 TSI_2025_prefilled_template_flagship_Demographic_change Komise - Reformy
18.06. 11:55 TSI_2025_prefilled_template_flagship_ComPAct_PillarII_Capacity Komise - Reformy
18.06. 11:54 TSI_2025_prefilled_template_flagship_ComPAct_PillarI_Skills Komise - Reformy
18.06. 11:10 General_request_template_TSI2025 Komise - Reformy
18.06. 10:00 Final report Komise - Reformy
13.06. 15:31 Calendar invite for the online drop in sessions Komise - Reformy
13.06. 10:10 Calendar invite for the online drop in sessions Komise - Reformy
07.06. 15:29 New retail investors in France Komise - Reformy
06.06. 16:35 DG REFORM List of topics Komise - Reformy
05.06. 10:28 Factsheet - data-driven decision engine and risk management platform in Belgium-1 Komise - Reformy
30.05. 10:06 Takeaways workshop of the field visits to the five Finnish regions Komise - Reformy
30.05. 10:06 Takeaways of the OECD mission to Kainuu Komise - Reformy
30.05. 10:05 Takeaways of the OECD mission to North Karelia Komise - Reformy
29.05. 16:13 Project closure report Komise - Reformy
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