Všechny zprávy - Aktuálně, Komise - Reformy - Novinky

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Stránka 1
06.09. 17:43 Improving the governance of state-owned enterprises in Croatia Komise - Reformy - Novinky
06.09. 14:38 Technical support to improve the IT system to collect, produce and disseminate accurate and complete macroeconomic statistics Komise - Reformy - Novinky
06.09. 09:25 Enhancing policy coherence, transparency and coordination at the Centre of Government in Romania Komise - Reformy - Novinky
05.09. 10:23 Development of National Loss Reduction Plan and capacity building among water suppliers Komise - Reformy - Novinky
02.09. 16:12 Strengthening coordination in climate change adaptation policy between local, regional, and national authorities Komise - Reformy - Novinky
30.08. 15:34 Comprehensive review and benchmark study of the public real Estate management Komise - Reformy - Novinky
28.08. 14:24 Redesigning the Estonian Tax Administration´s register of taxpayers Komise - Reformy - Novinky
20.08. 16:13 Policy Options for a Belgian Sustainable Finance Strategy Komise - Reformy - Novinky
19.08. 14:41 Evaluation and analytical capacity building of the Federal Planning Bureau Komise - Reformy - Novinky
02.08. 12:28 Modernising the legal framework of the Public Investment Programme in Greece Komise - Reformy - Novinky
01.08. 16:25 Modelling the macroeconomic and fiscal impact of climate and energy policies in Slovenia Komise - Reformy - Novinky
31.07. 14:06 Supporting the development of communication strategy for Slovakia’s Recovery and Resilience Plan Komise - Reformy - Novinky
30.07. 17:05 General technical support for the implementation of Slovakia's Recovery and Resilience Plan Komise - Reformy - Novinky
30.07. 14:32 Spending review of state-owned enterprises Komise - Reformy - Novinky
30.07. 14:31 Upgrading the Property Valuation System in Rural Areas in Greece Komise - Reformy - Novinky
18.07. 09:55 Technical report on international good practices on the design, structure, governance and implementation of spending reviews Komise - Reformy - Novinky
17.07. 17:18 Supporting REPowerEU: affordable, secure and sustainable energy for Europe Komise - Reformy - Novinky
15.07. 16:41 Recharge and Refuel - clean, smart and fair urban mobility in Slovakia Komise - Reformy - Novinky
12.07. 15:04 LEARN: Labour market inclusion of newcomers in the Netherlands through work and study Komise - Reformy - Novinky
12.07. 12:39 Improving the Governance Model of the Research and Innovation System in Slovenia Komise - Reformy - Novinky
11.07. 15:59 Integrating regular spending reviews and policy evaluations into the medium-term budget framework in Estonia and Finland Komise - Reformy - Novinky
08.07. 12:04 Delivering on Reforms (In the past 5 years, EU support for reforms has exceeded expectations..) Komise - Reformy - Novinky
03.07. 10:59 Continued support on tax control of high-net-worth individuals Komise - Reformy - Novinky
02.07. 10:21 Strengthening the consistency of transfer pricing audits and legislation in Romania Komise - Reformy - Novinky
25.06. 09:36 Enhancing EU Mining Regional Ecosystems to Support the Green Transition and Secure Mineral Raw Materials Supply Komise - Reformy - Novinky
21.06. 16:25 Patient Access to Medicines (The Commission aimed to propose sustainable solutions to the pr..) Komise - Reformy - Novinky
20.06. 14:55 Support to the Renovation Wave (The Commission helped Lithuania to address the investment ga..) Komise - Reformy - Novinky
18.06. 10:03 Together for Children and Young People in Ireland Komise - Reformy - Novinky
07.06. 15:30 Improving financial literacy of new retail investors for a better support in their investment decision-making process Komise - Reformy - Novinky
05.06. 10:31 Creation of a data-driven decision engine on internationally exchanged information Komise - Reformy - Novinky
29.05. 16:16 Examining technology-driven solutions to facilitate migrants' access to essential information in Czechia Komise - Reformy - Novinky
29.05. 15:50 SHAPE - Strengthening change management process of executives Komise - Reformy - Novinky
29.05. 15:31 Supporting the implementation of Bulgaria's Recovery and Resilience Plan Komise - Reformy - Novinky
29.05. 14:56 Public Investment in Bulgaria (The Commission helped at identifying ways to improve public i..) Komise - Reformy - Novinky
29.05. 14:38 Supporting reforms to transition to a green economy and fight climate change Komise - Reformy - Novinky
29.05. 14:17 Technical Support for the Implementation of the Digital Competence Development Programme Komise - Reformy - Novinky
29.05. 11:26 Improving the System of Knowledge Exchange and Collaboration between Universities and Society in Italy Komise - Reformy - Novinky
21.05. 15:59 Government data-driven decision-making (DDDM) framework implementation Komise - Reformy - Novinky
16.05. 16:49 Environmental Tax Policy Review of Andalusia Komise - Reformy - Novinky
14.05. 09:45 How Have Spending Reviews Recently Evolved Through EU Initiatives? Komise - Reformy - Novinky
30.04. 09:17 A perfect match – forecasting and steering the future and present teaching workforce in Austria Komise - Reformy - Novinky
30.04. 09:09 Developing a comprehensive framework for the monitoring and evaluation of early childhood education and care in the Czech Republic Komise - Reformy - Novinky
15.04. 12:07 Supporting young people to succeed - Building capacities to better integrate non-formal and formal learning Komise - Reformy - Novinky
12.04. 16:24 Digital transformation in the Flemish education system: reforming ICT teams at school Komise - Reformy - Novinky
11.04. 09:59 Modernising the production and dissemination of official statistics in the national statistics office of luxembourg (statec) Komise - Reformy - Novinky
09.04. 10:36 Enhancing mass valuation analysis for property taxation in Cyprus Komise - Reformy - Novinky
04.04. 17:15 Improving staff working conditions for better quality in early childhood education and care in Austria Komise - Reformy - Novinky
07.03. 10:11 Support to the renovation wave - one stop shop in Wallonia Komise - Reformy - Novinky
06.03. 17:37 Circular economy transition through standardization of product data in automated processes in Denmark - additional publications Komise - Reformy - Novinky
06.03. 17:32 Circular economy transition through standardization of product data in automated processes in Denmark Komise - Reformy - Novinky
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Hypoteční kalkulačka

Povinné ručení

Banky a Bankomaty

Úrokové sazby, Hypotéky

Směnárny - Euro, Dolar

Práce - Volná místa

Úřad práce, Mzda, Platy

Dávky a příspěvky

Nemocenská, Porodné

Podpora v nezaměstnanosti



Burza - ČEZ

Dluhopisy, Podílové fondy

Ekonomika - HDP, Mzdy

Kryptoměny - Bitcoin, Ethereum

Drahé kovy

Zlato, Investiční zlato, Stříbro

Ropa - PHM, Benzín, Nafta, Nafta v Evropě


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Daně, formuláře

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Auto - Cena, Spolehlivost

Registr vozidel - Technický průkaz, eTechničák

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Volby, Mapa webu

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