Všechny zprávy - Aktuálně, German Statistical Office

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Internet k tématu Všechny zprávy

Stránka 1
15.11.23 08:00 · Wholesale prices in October 2023: -4.2% on October 2022 - German Federal Statistical Office German Statistical Office
14.11.23 12:00 · Mortality figures in October 2023 (+1%) around the median of the previous years - German Federal Statistical Office German Statistical Office
13.11.23 08:01 · Imports of clothing down 14.1% from January to September 2023 compared with the same period a year earlier - German Federal Statistical Office German Statistical Office
09.11.23 08:00 · Truck toll mileage index in October 2023: -1.9% on the previous month - German Federal Statistical Office German Statistical Office
08.11.23 08:00 · Inflation rate at +3.8% in October 2023 - German Federal Statistical Office German Statistical Office
07.11.23 08:17 · Production in September 2023:-1.4% on the previous month - German Federal Statistical Office German Statistical Office
06.11.23 08:00 · New orders in manufacturing in September 2023: +0.2% on the previous month - German Federal Statistical Office German Statistical Office
03.11.23 08:00 · Exports in September 2023: -2.4% on August 2023 - German Federal Statistical Office German Statistical Office
02.11.23 08:00 · Employment at a new high in September 2023 - German Federal Statistical Office German Statistical Office
31.10.23 08:00 · Import prices in September 2023: -14.3% on September 2022 - German Federal Statistical Office German Statistical Office
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