Všechny zprávy - Aktuálně, ECB

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16.07. 10:00 · July 2024 euro area bank lending survey (The European Central Bank (ECB) is the central bank..) ECB
16.07. 10:00 · The euro area bank lending survey - Second quarter of 2024 ECB Publication
15.07. 10:00 · Survey on the Access to Finance of Enterprises in the euro area ECB Publication
15.07. 10:00 · Survey on the Access to Finance of Enterprises: moderate tightening in reported financing conditions ECB
10.07. 15:00 · Results of the June 2024 Survey on credit terms and conditions in euro-denominated securities financing and over-the-counter derivatives markets (SESFOD) ECB
10.07. 15:00 Survey on credit terms and conditions in euro-denominated securities financing and OTC derivatives markets (SESFOD) - June 2024 ECB Publication
10.07. 11:00 Buying insurance at low economic cost – the effects of bank capital buffer increases since the pandemic ECB Publication
10.07. 11:00 · The geopolitics of green minerals (The European Central Bank (ECB) is the central bank of th..) ECB Blog
09.07. 11:00 Are low interest rates firing back? Interest rate risk in the banking book and bank lending in a rising interest rate environment ECB Publication
08.07. 10:00 ESS-ESCB Quality assessment report on statistics underlying the Macroeconomic Imbalance Procedure ECB Publication
04.07. 17:15 · Piero Cipollone: Artificial intelligence: a central bank’s view ECB
04.07. 13:30 · Meeting of 5-6 June 2024 (The European Central Bank (ECB) is the central bank of the Europea..) ECB
04.07. 11:00 Philip R. Lane: Inflation and monetary policy ECB
04.07. 11:00 · Households and non-financial corporations in the euro area: first quarter of 2024 ECB Statistical
04.07. 10:00 · Euro area bank interest rate statistics: May 2024 ECB Statistical
04.07. 10:00 · Euro area quarterly balance of payments and international investment position: first quarter of 2024 ECB Statistical
04.07. 02:00 · How euro area firms’ inflation expectations affect their business decisions ECB Blog
01.07. 21:00 · Christine Lagarde: Monetary policy in an unusual cycle: the risks, the path and the costs ECB
01.07. SAFE to update inflation expectations? New survey evidence on euro area firms ECB Publication
28.06. 10:00 · ECB Consumer Expectations Survey results – May 2024 ECB
27.06. 11:00 · Mind the gap: Europe’s strategic investment needs and how to support them ECB Blog
27.06. 11:00 The sectoral systemic risk buffer: general issues and application to residential real estate-related risks ECB Publication
27.06. 10:00 · Monetary developments in the euro area: May 2024 ECB Statistical
27.06. 08:30 The drivers of post-pandemic inflation ECB Publication
27.06. 08:30 The economics of biodiversity loss ECB Publication
27.06. 08:30 The past, present and future of European productivity ECB Publication
27.06. 08:00 · A diverse investor base impacts the effectiveness of large-scale asset purchases ECB Bulletin
26.06. 12:40 · Philip R. Lane: Modern monetary analysis ECB
26.06. 12:00 · ECB reports on progress towards euro adoption ECB
26.06. 12:00 · Convergence Report, June 2024 (The European Central Bank (ECB) is the central bank of the Eu..) ECB Publication
25.06. 11:00 · Eurosystem and ECB portfolios steadily decarbonising, climate-related disclosures show ECB
25.06. 10:00 The ECB’s enhanced effective exchange rates and harmonised competitiveness indicators: An updated weighting scheme including trade in services ECB Publication
25.06. 09:00 · Piero Cipollone: Maintaining the freedom to choose how we pay ECB Blog
24.06. 11:00 SAFE to update inflation expectations? New survey evidence on euro area firms ECB Publication
24.06. 10:00 Owner-occupied housing and inflation measurement ECB Publication
24.06. 09:00 Letter from Piero Cipollone to Irene Tinagli, ECON Chair, on digital euro preparation phase – first progress report ECB Publication
24.06. 09:00 · ECB publishes first progress report on digital euro preparation phase ECB
23.06. 15:20 Isabel Schnabel: The ECB’s monetary policy: towards price stability ECB
21.06. 15:00 · Decisions taken by the Governing Council of the ECB (in addition to decisions setting interest rates) ECB
20.06. 10:00 · Economic Bulletin Issue 4, 2024 (The European Central Bank (ECB) is the central bank of the ..) ECB Publication
20.06. 10:00 · Credit risk and bank lending conditions (This box investigates the factors underlying the gr..) ECB Publication
20.06. 10:00 · Liquidity conditions and monetary policy operations from 31 January to 16 April 2024 ECB Publication
20.06. 10:00 · Profit indicators for inflation analysis considering the role of total costs ECB Publication
20.06. 10:00 · Insights from earnings calls – what can we learn from corporate risk perceptions and sentiment? ECB Publication
20.06. 10:00 · The importance of being positive: costs and benefits of a positive neutral rate for the countercyclical capital buffer ECB Publication
19.06. 11:30 · The post-pandemic recovery – why is the euro area growing more slowly than the United States? ECB Publication
19.06. 11:30 · Longer-term challenges for fiscal policy in the euro area ECB Publication
19.06. 10:00 · Euro area monthly balance of payments: April 2024 ECB Statistical
18.06. 15:30 · Luis de Guindos: Strengthening European financial markets to ensure a more resilient future ECB
18.06. 14:00 The wage-price pass-through across sectors: evidence from the euro area ECB Publication
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