Všechny zprávy - Aktuálně, Komise - Ekonomika a finance novinky

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Stránka 1
12.07. 16:06 Executive Vice-President Šefčovič visits Slovenia and Croatia for the Coal Regions in Transition Dialogue and climate action and competitiveness talks Komise - Energie - Novinky
12.07. 16:01 Speech by Commissioner Simson at the Energy Community Donor Conference: 'Supporting Ukraine's resilience through the Ukraine Energy Support Fund' Komise - Energie - Novinky
12.07. 15:04 LEARN: Labour market inclusion of newcomers in the Netherlands through work and study Komise - Reformy - Novinky
12.07. 15:03 Frequently asked questions on Donetsk, Kherson, Luhansk and Zaporizhzhia oblasts related matters concerning sanctions adopted following Russia’s military aggression against Ukraine Komise - Finance - Dokumenty
12.07. 15:03 Donetsk, Kherson, Luhansk and Zaporizhzhia oblasts Komise - Finance - Publikace
12.07. 15:00 Guideline permit holders at work in the construction sector Komise - Reformy
12.07. 14:58 Technical Recommendations Komise - Reformy
12.07. 12:39 Improving the Governance Model of the Research and Innovation System in Slovenia Komise - Reformy - Novinky
12.07. 12:36 Final Report Komise - Reformy
12.07. 11:52 METIS 3 scripts and data (METIS 3 scripts and data..) Komise - Energie - Publikace
12.07. 11:52 METIS 2 scripts and data (METIS 2 scripts and data..) Komise - Energie - Publikace
12.07. 10:56 Assessing hydrogen infrastructure needs in a scenario with hydrogen imports and EU production Komise - Energie - Publikace
12.07. 10:56 Hydrogen blending adaptation costs Komise - Energie - Dokumenty
12.07. 10:54 Role of hydropower in a decarbonised energy system Komise - Energie - Publikace
12.07. 10:52 Hydro model Komise - Energie - Dokumenty
12.07. 10:45 METIS 2 technical note T4 - Distribution grid modelling : data collection, asset disaggregation and methodology to fill gaps Komise - Energie - Publikace
12.07. 10:43 Distribution grid - Data collection Komise - Energie - Dokumenty
12.07. 10:42 Distribution grid - Climatic zones Komise - Energie - Dokumenty
11.07. 18:02 Promoting cost-efficient emission reductions: updating the quantity of cancelled EU ETS allowances to be used for Effort Sharing compliance for some Member States Komise - Klima - Novinky
11.07. 15:59 Integrating regular spending reviews and policy evaluations into the medium-term budget framework in Estonia and Finland Komise - Reformy - Novinky
11.07. 15:55 Final Report Komise - Reformy
11.07. 15:00 Assessing Green Job Dynamics in the EU: A Comparison of Alternative Methodologies Komise - Ekonomika a finance publikace
11.07. 12:38 SME Assembly 2024 - SMEs: Shaping Europe's Future Komise - Vnitřní trh - Novinky
11.07. 12:06 European Economic Forecast. Spring 2024 Komise - Ekonomika a finance dokumenty
11.07. 09:19 Assessing Green Job Dynamics in the EU: A Comparison of Alternative Methodologies Komise - Ekonomika a finance dokumenty
11.07. 09:00 20 years together: Two decades of opportunity and growth for Malta and Slovenia Komise - Eures - Novinky
10.07. 15:39 Public Consultation Paper - Priority list for the development of network codes and guidelines on electricity for the period 2024-2027 and on gas for 2024 and beyond Komise - Energie - Dokumenty
10.07. 14:29 Price developments 2005 onwards (xlsx) Komise - Energie - Dokumenty
10.07. 14:28 Map eurosuper 95 (pdf) Komise - Energie - Dokumenty
10.07. 14:27 Map diesel (pdf) Komise - Energie - Dokumenty
10.07. 14:26 Prices with taxes latest prices (xlsx) Komise - Energie - Dokumenty
10.07. 14:25 Prices without taxes latest prices(xlsx) Komise - Energie - Dokumenty
10.07. 14:25 Oil Bulletin Duties and taxes (xlsx) Komise - Energie - Dokumenty
10.07. 12:24 Delivering on Reforms Komise - Reformy
09.07. 17:12 Climate and financial stability (Report looks at key risks climate change poses to financial..) Komise - Ekonomika a finance
09.07. 17:02 2024 Youth Start-Up Competition (YSC): Encouraging Young Entrepreneurs to Shape the Future Komise - Vnitřní trh - Novinky
09.07. 15:42 Guidance Document on Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No.1112/2014 Komise - Energie - Dokumenty
09.07. 14:51 Monitoring the effects of climate change on financial stability Komise - Ekonomika a finance
09.07. 11:35 Anti-money laundering and countering the financing of terrorism legislative package Komise - Finance - Publikace
08.07. 17:56 Commission opinion on the existence of excessive deficit in Italy Komise - Ekonomika a finance dokumenty
08.07. 17:56 Commission opinion on the existence of excessive deficit in Slovakia Komise - Ekonomika a finance dokumenty
08.07. 17:56 Commission opinion on the existence of excessive deficit in Poland Komise - Ekonomika a finance dokumenty
08.07. 17:55 Commission opinion on the existence of excessive deficit in Malta Komise - Ekonomika a finance dokumenty
08.07. 17:55 Commission opinion on the existence of excessive deficit in Hungary Komise - Ekonomika a finance dokumenty
08.07. 17:55 Commission opinion on the existence of excessive deficit in France Komise - Ekonomika a finance dokumenty
08.07. 17:54 Commission opinion on the existence of excessive deficit in Belgium Komise - Ekonomika a finance dokumenty
08.07. 17:54 Proposal for a Council decision on the existence of an excessive deficit in Poland Komise - Ekonomika a finance dokumenty
08.07. 17:53 Proposal for a Council decision on the existence of an excessive deficit in Slovakia Komise - Ekonomika a finance dokumenty
08.07. 17:53 Proposal for a Council decision on the existence of an excessive deficit in Malta Komise - Ekonomika a finance dokumenty
08.07. 17:52 Proposal for a Council decision on the existence of an excessive deficit in Italy Komise - Ekonomika a finance dokumenty
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